Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Twenty paper plates, plus extras
  • Cardstock—about 30 sheets  
  • Two washable markers
  • Posterboard
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk    
  • Optional: painters tape or masking tape
  • Two 5th or 6thgrade volunteers to write temptations
  • Two leaders or volunteers to watch for “stepping” violations
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Use the marker to write “PRAYER” in large letters on the posterboard.

Place a line or mark at one end of the room.

Lay out the paper plates in two separate paths on the floor. Use half sheets of cardstock to leave spaces between the plates for the “Temptation Cards” to be added later. There should be about 3 inches between each card and plate. (See illustration.)

Place the “PRAYER” poster board between the two paths. 

Note: You may add plates and Temptation Cards to make the course larger. You can also design your own custom path. You can also play as one group against time with one larger course. Play two rounds for the best time.

Watch Your Step! Play a game to follow the Spirit instead of our own desires. 

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “Jesus helps me defeat temptation.”  

As we discussed in the Teaching, Jesus will help us defeat temptation, yet we must do our part. One of the most important things we can do is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us. Psalm 37:23 says:  

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. 

By following the Spirit, we avoid temptation and sin and ultimately please God. When we follow our sinful nature, we give in to temptation and sin. This hinders us and leads us astray. 

Choose two 5th or 6th grade volunteers. Give them each ten sheets of cardstock. They will write one temptation on each sheet of cardstock as you list them on the board. Abbreviate longer ones. In the previous game, we discussed some common temptations we all face. Let’s list some that you remember, and add some that we didn’t discuss.      

1. Argue and fight   2. Disobey   3. Lazy   4. Gossip   5. Cheat   6. Prideful  7. Selfish   8. Bad words   9. Unforgiveness   10. Mocking

Have the children then place the “Temptation Cards” between the plates. Verify that there is a gap between each card and plate.  

Divide the children into two even teams; one child may need to play twice.    

Have the teams make two single file lines behind the line or mark.

The plates represent steps on God’s path for us. The cards are temptations we might face along the path. Players must step only on the plates to complete the course and return back to your team. Go as quickly as you can, but be careful! You may need to step sideways or balance on one foot to avoid stepping on a Temptation Card! If you “fall” to temptation, you must walk over to the “Prayer” posterboard and stand for 3 seconds. We will count aloud for you; then, you can return to the plate that comes after the Temptation Card you stepped on. Remember, when we give in to temptation and sin, it hinders us and takes us off God’s path. BUT, we can always come to God for forgiveness and ask His help to overcome it—that’s what this poster board represents! Jesus forgives us and gives us a fresh start!  

As children walk the path, have their teammates cheer them on! The team to finish first wins.