Leader Guide

Balloon Game

  • About 20 round balloons of different colors  
  • Four paper plates—two are extras
  • Four paint-stirring sticks—two are extras
  • Child-safe, quick-drying glue  
  • Marker
  • Painters tape or masking tape  
  • Yardstick or tape measure
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Optional: as an alternative to the paint-stirring sticks, use paper towel tubes and wrap masking tape around the cardboard to strengthen them

Use the marker to write “PRAYER” on two plates and “GOD’S WORD” on two plates.

Blow up 20 balloons and tie them closed—or have the children and other leaders help you do this before the game.

Make two sets of paddles by gluing and/or taping the paint-stirring sticks to the back of the plates. Leave enough length on the stick to use as a handle. One set of paddles is extra.     

On the floor in the middle of the room, tape a rectangle measuring 8 feet by 6 feet.

Tape an 8 foot line 3 feet away from the rectangle, creating a “neutral zone.” See illustration.

Deflect and Defeat! Play a game to resist temptation.

Jesus was filled with God’s Spirit, and He used prayer and God’s Word to defeat temptation.

Show the children the two paddles. Place them just outside the 6 foot side line. 

We are powerless to resist and defeat temptation and sin without Jesus’ help. Jesus is always ready and willing to help us when we ask Him. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “Jesus helps me to defeat temptation.”  

In this game, three players will play at a time. Two players will be the “Tempters.” Dump all of the balloons behind the 8-foot line opposite the middle line—see illustration. Do not place any balloons in the 3-foot “neutral zone” between the two 8 foot lines.

Walk into the different areas of play while you explain the game. When I start the game, “tempters” will rapidly throw balloons—which represent different kinds of temptations—over the middle line for 10 seconds into the other player’s area. That player tries to deflect the balloons out of the area—without using their arms or hands! After 10 seconds, I will shout, “Grab your Weapons!” Then the player will grab the two paddles to use as weapons to block, deflect, and sweep away balloons for the remaining 20 seconds of the round. The player gets a point for every balloon or temptation that remains in the playing area after time runs out. The player or players with the lowest score(s) wins. Play until all children have a turn both throwing and batting balloons. If time allows, play again. You may also have a playoff if more than one player has the lowest score.

Conclusion: How did you feel during the first 10 seconds of the game without the paddles? Helpless, frustrating, defeated.

On our own, we can easily be overwhelmed and defeated by temptations. The balloons were different colors to represent the many different kinds of temptations we face every day. We need prayer and God’s Word to win. In the game, some temptations were successful. When that happens in our lives, we must go to our merciful God who is faithful to forgive us!