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Bible Activity

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Don’t Leave Home Without It: Discuss God’s invisible armor. 

Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “Jesus helps me defeat temptation.”   

To help us resist temptation and defeat the devil, God gives us invisible armor to “suit up” with and use in the battle. Let’s look up and read about this armor in Ephesians 6:1318. Have children take turns reading the verses aloud. Assist any inexperienced Bible users in locating the Scriptures.  

Note that the New Living Translation is used for this discussion. If children are using different translations, the text and answers will vary.

13Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 17Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. 18Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

Verse 13: We are told to put on every piece of armor. If you were going to play in a football game, would it be okay to wear shoulder pads but leave your helmet at home; why or why not? No, your head could be injured, you wouldn’t be fully protected. You need all of the protective equipment.

It is the same with battling the enemy; we must be fully prepared and protected. Every piece serves a different purpose. If we are diligent and consistently put every piece on, what are the results? We will be able to resist the evil plans and ways of the enemy and we will not be knocked down or outwe will still be standing strong and not moved. We will win and not be defeated. 

Verse 14: We are not to give up ground to the devil—there is no compromise! The first piece of armor is the belt of truth. What is called the truth in the Bible? God’s Word.

Why is it important to know the truth? To recognize or identify the lies of the enemy and the lies we hear in the world. The truth of God’s Word keeps us from harm. You must know the truth to recognize evil and sinful things that oppose God’s Word. The truth exposes false teaching.  

The next piece of armor is called body armor or the breastplate of righteousness. This armor covers the chest and stomach area. What vital or important organ is in the chest area? Our hearts.

Proverbs 4:23 says,

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

That is very important! Our righteousness needs to be in Christ alone. The Bible says that our own righteousness is like filthy rags. We can only stand before God and against the enemy in Christ and His holiness. When we do that, there is nothing the enemy can say against us!  

Verse 15: The next piece of armor we put on is the shoes of the Gospel of peace. Why is peace important for us as we stand and move? We are secure in knowing we are right with God and there is no need to fear. We have a relationship with Him and He hears us and is with us through tests and temptation.

What does it show others when we walk in peace through difficult times? The peace of God, that God is with us, and that He is real. They can come to know God through the Gospel we share when they wonder how we live in peace despite what is going on around us.

An important part of resisting temptation is choosing God’s path versus the ways of the world that tempt us to sin. When our steps are ordered by God, we avoid traps and snares that can cause us to stumble and fall.      

Verse 16: What does the shield of faith do? It stops the fiery arrows of the devil.

What do you think the fiery arrows are? Things that the devil does or says meant to hinder, scare and harm us.

Satan’s arrows are things that can harm us both physically and emotionally. They can be cruel words, lies, accusations, gossip, and condemnation that the enemy speaks to us or come through other people. Our faith in God and who He says we are and what we can accomplish can shield us from Satan’s lies.   

Verse 17: What does the helmet protect? Our head, mind and thoughts.

The enemy tries to inject negative thoughts and lies into our mind for us to focus on instead of thinking God’s good, peaceful and pure thoughts. God tells us to fill our minds with His thoughts. When we fill ourselves with God’s Word and His thoughts, we protect ourselves from the enemy’s harmful thoughts.  

The next piece is the sword of the Spirit. What is that? The Word of God.

In the Bible story, who used the Word to defeat temptation? Jesus in the wilderness.

How can we use God’s Word as a weapon? Speak and declare it in Jesus’ authority.

We can speak the Word over any situation and believe what God says, not what the enemy says. The Word cuts through lies and negative words.   

Verse 18: What is the last piece of armor listed? Prayer. 

When does the verse tell us to pray—once or twice a day, or maybe only before bed, lunch or dinner? At all times and on every occasion.

We must keep an attitude of prayer and communication with God and His Spirit throughout the day to stay alert and ready for whatever we encounter.

Is it acceptable to only pray for ourselves? No, we also pray for other believers so they can be successful in resisting and defeating the devil, too. 

Conclusion: How do we put the armor on? By reading the Bible and putting our faith and trust in God—and by committing to listen to and follow God’s Spirit over our own plans, thoughts and desires every day!