Leader Guide

Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome (1 minute)

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new Superbook adventure about a man of God named Philip. Have you ever heard of him before? The Bible describes him as someone who was well respected and full of God’s Spirit and wisdom. Let’s watch a video to learn more about Philip and the early church. Then we’ll see the big plans that Chris has for his father’s new invention!

Play Video 2: Intro to Bible Story (6 minutes)

In Bible times, Philip heals a man who was crippled, and a magician named Simon is so amazed that he believes in Christ. In modern times, Chris is excited about using a new invention to impress his friends and make money.

Chris and Joy's Dilemma

SuperTruth and Discussion (2 minutes)

Who was Simon? A magician/sorcerer.

What did Philip do that amazed Simon? He healed a man who had been crippled all his life.

Why is Chris so excited about the new invention? He wants to use its power to impress his friends and make money.

What was the purpose of the invention? To help those in need all over the world by building homes for them.

Does God give us His power to impress people and make money? No, as our SuperTruth today tells us, “The Holy Spirit gives me power to share the Gospel.”

Let’s say that together. The Holy Spirit gives me power to share the Gospel.

God gave Philip the power to share the Good News, and He gives us that same power today, so we can tell others about Jesus. Let’s watch the rest of the video and see how Philip ends up in the desert! We’ll also see if Chris follows through on his big plans for the new invention.

Video 3: Bible Story and Resolution (17 minutes)

Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to Samaria, where Peter and John join Philip to teach about the power of the Holy Spirit. When Simon the magician offers money to buy this power, Peter sternly rebukes him. Later, Philip witnesses to an Ethiopian official and baptizes him. Returning home, Chris thinks about baptism and attends a Bible study.

Chris and Joy's Dilemma

Video Discussion (1 minute)

Have you ever read something in the Bible that you didn’t understand? What did you do? Children respond.

How do you think the Ethiopian man felt to have Philip suddenly appear and explain to him what he was reading? Relieved, thankful, excited, overwhelmed, surprised.

Play Video 10A: SuperVerse Graphic

Graphic loops 1.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat the verse.

Chris and Joy's Dilemma

SuperVerse Discussion (1 minute)

Let’s say today’s SuperVerse together. Ephesians 3:7:

By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving Him by spreading this Good News.

We can serve the Lord by sharing the wonderful message of Christ. The Good News is that Jesus died to save us from our sins, then rose again to give us eternal life! This is the amazing message that God calls us to spread—and He gives us His power to do it.

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group. If any children are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Dear God, it is an honor and privilege to serve You and to share the Good News with people who don’t know You. Thank you for the Holy Spirit’s power to guide us and empower us. Help us to be faithful to obey You. In Jesus’ mighty power, we pray, Amen.

In Small Group today, we are going to play a game called “Good News Scatter.” Let’s go find out how to play!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.