Leader Guide

Sharing Game

  • Paper plates—one per child, plus twelve more and extras in case of breakage.
  • Marker
  • Whiteboard and markers or chalkboard and chalk
  • Crayons or washable markers for children to share
  • Two small boxes or containers to hold six balls each
  • Twelve plastic golf balls or ping pong balls
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperTruth on the board: The Holy Spirit gives me power to share the Gospel.
With the marker, write one letter of “GOSPEL” on two sets of six balls.
Place a set of balls into each container.
Make two rows of six plates each spaced about 2 feet apart. The rows should be about 15–20 feet apart.
See image—Philip Sharing Game.
Option: For smaller classes, play as one large group and use a timer. Play at least twice for the best time.
You will need one plate per child, plus six plates and six balls.

Power Is Spreading: Play a game to share the Gospel.

Give a plate to each child and crayons to share. Point to the word “power” on the board and have children write “power” in large letters on their plates.

Let’s say the SuperTruth together. The Holy Spirit gives me power to share the Gospel.

When persecution came, Jesus’ followers were scattered outside Jerusalem. What did they do? They shared the Gospel.

These plates represent places they went to, such as Judea, Azotus, Caesarea, Samaria, and other Samaritan villages. (See Acts 8:1–2, 25, 40.)

Divide the children into two even teams. If teams are unequal, a leader may need to play. Players form two rows a few feet apart and parallel to one set of plates on the floor. Each team will stand side by side and at arm’s length from each other. Place a box of balls at one end of each team.

The plates you are holding represent the power that God gives you to share the Gospel.

Hold up a box of balls so children can see inside.

These balls represent the Gospel. Each of the balls has a letter from the word Gospel written on it. Your job is to share the Gospel by spreading it to other areas represented by the six plates on the floor.

Hold up a plate.

You must use the “power” to share the Gospel with the player next to you. The first player near the box on each team will take a ball from the box, put it on their plate, then share it by rolling it onto the next player’s plate. Each player will receive and share like this until the ball reaches the last plate. The last player will travel or “scatter” to transfer the ball from the plate to a plate on the floor. This represents sharing or spreading the Gospel. The last player must be careful to place each ball on the correct plate to spell GOSPEL.

Note: If you want to make this easier, write one letter of GOSPEL on each plate for each team. The players then can quickly match the ball to the proper plate.

You cannot use your free hand to hold the ball on the plate; the ball must be balanced to keep it from rolling off the plate. If a ball falls on the floor, the player may use a hand to pick it up and return it to the plate. Once the first player shares a ball, he/she will get the next ball and start it down the line. Continue until all balls are shared. The first team to have all the balls on the plates in the correct order to spell GOSPEL wins.

Play again and shuffle the order of the players in the lines.

Conclusion: Just like you needed the plate to share the ball, we need the Holy Spirit’s power to share the Gospel with others!