Leader Guide

Rolling Game

  • Twenty disposable cups
  • Joy Pattern
  • Two sheets of cardstock
  • Two small rubber balls, handballs, bouncy balls, or golf balls
  • Scissors
  • Optional: masking tape or painter's tape

Make two copies of the Philip Joy Cards on cardstock.
Cut apart the individual cards.
Place ten cards, writing side up, on the floor in a row near one end of the room. Then, cover each with a disposable cup placed upside down.
Do the same thing with the other ten cards and cups near the opposite side of the room.
Mark or tape a line on the floor about 12–15 feet from each set of cups.
See image—Philip Rolling Game.

Powerful Results: Play a game to release joy.

Philip was filled with power from the Holy Spirit when he went to Samaria. He shared the Gospel and confirmed his message with miraculous signs and wonders. People were saved from their sins, cured of diseases, healed of physical conditions, and set free from evil spirits. Acts 8:8 tells us that this resulted in great joy in that city!

We are going to play a game that represents what took place in Samaria and everywhere the Gospel was shared. These cups represent things that can trap and steal someone’s peace and joy—like sin, jealousy, hatred, and evil spirits. This is not God’s will for people. Jesus came to fill us with joy!

Lift a cup. When a cup is removed, what do we find? Joy!

Our job is to uncover and release the joy under each cup.

Hold up a ball. The balls represent the power of the Holy Spirit and the Gospel. Your mission is to share the Gospel by rolling the ball into the cups. Each team has ten cups to knock over. Each player will have a turn rolling the ball to try to knock over one or more cups. When a cup is knocked over, the player picks up the card and the ball and quickly brings the ball to the next player, who will take a turn. If no cups are knocked over, the player simply gets the ball and gives it to the next player.

The first team to knock over all of their cups and return all ten of their joy cards to the leader wins.

Divide the class into two teams—they do not need to be even. Have each team stand behind a line opposite a set of cups. Give the first player on each team a ball. Teams roll at the same time. The first team to return all of their joy cards to the leader wins. Play additional rounds to make sure everyone has a chance to roll more than once.

Conclusion: What would have happened to the joy under the cups if we held onto the balls instead of rolling them? Nothing; the joy would not have been released or revealed.

When Jesus was born, the angel told the shepherds in Luke 2:10 (NIV):

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”

We have been given the privilege of sharing the Gospel, along with the Holy Spirit’s power to deliver the Good News to others. This message will result in great joy to whomever receives it! We must never keep it to ourselves!