Leader Guide

Bible Activity

  • Bibles—to make the activity fair for all children, do not use tabbed Bibles or electronic devices unless all the children have them.
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Index cards—ten per team of three children
  • Sticky notes or bookmarks—one per team of three children
  • Pencils—one per pair of children
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock, or watch with a second hand, or timer app

Answers in Acts: Look up verses to answer questions from the Bible story text.

In this activity, we are going to look up verses from the Bible book of Acts, chapter 8, where our Bible story is recorded.

Divide the children into teams of three or teams of two for smaller classes. Give each team a name: Team 1, Team 2, etc. Have each team sit together. Try to pair any inexperienced Bible users with others who are familiar with the Bible. Give each team a Bible, ten index cards, a pencil, and a bookmark or sticky note. Have the children place their team number on all of their cards.

Now, have children mark Acts 8 in their Bibles with the sticky note or bookmark. The experienced Bible user can quickly look up the verse while the second player writes the answer on the index card, and the third team member can bring the index card to you. Players may alternate in any role. Have children close their Bibles before you announce the next verse. Note that the suggested answers are from the New Living Translation. If children are using different translations, their answers will vary.

In this game, I will ask questions about the Bible story in the book of Acts, chapter 8. I will also give you a range of verses where the answer may be found. Each member of the team will have a role to play:

One player will look up the answer.

One player will write it on the card.

One player will quickly bring the card to me—all within twenty seconds!

Oh, I almost forgot—like Philip, you must be obedient and follow my exact instructions each time about how to bring me the card.

The first team to give me the correct answer scores three points. Every team that brings me the correct answer within twenty seconds scores two points. Any team taking longer than twenty seconds still scores one point if the answer is correct—so never give up!

Are you ready to play? 

Stand at one end of the classroom and have teams sit at the other end. Read the question and then start the time. Read the teams’ cards aloud, and have a helper tally points on the board for each question. Lengthen the time if teams struggle to meet the deadline. Do as many questions as time allows. The team with the most points wins.

Questions and instructions:

1. Bring the card to me by skipping. In verses 1–4, what did Saul do to the believers that he found in Jerusalem? He arrested them and put them into prison.

2. Bring the card to me by walking sideways. In verses 1–4, name two regions where the believers went. Judea and Samaria.

3. Bring the card to me by tiptoeing. In verses 4–8, crowds listened to Philip because of his message and also to see what? The miracles or miraculous signs he did.

4. Bring the card to me by hopping on both feet. In verses 4–8, what were the people in the city filled with because of what Philip said and did? Great joy.  

5. Bring the card to me by balancing it on the top of your head. In verses 9–11, what did the people call Simon the Magician? The Great One—The Power of God.

6. Bring the card to me by balancing it on your forehead. In verses 14–17, what did Peter and John do when they arrived in Samaria? Prayed for believers to receive the Holy Spirit.

7. Bring the card to me by hopping on one foot. In verses 20–25, what did Peter tell Simon to do? Repent of his wickedness.

8. Bring the card to me by walking backward. In verses 20–25, what did Peter and John do on their way back to Jerusalem? They preached the Good News in Samaritan villages.

9. Bring the card to me balanced on two fingers. In verses 26–29, what book of the Bible was the Ethiopian man reading? Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah.

10. Bring the card to me balanced on your shoulder. In verses 36–40, what town was Philip found in after the Spirit snatched him away? Azotus.

Conclusion: You did a great job using your Bibles and working together as teams! We have learned a lot about the early church and how it continued to grow because the believers boldly shared the Gospel! Let’s do the same thing in our own lives!