Leader Guide

Coloring Activity

Make copies of the coloring page—one per child, plus extras.

Filled With the Spirit: Color a page from the Bible story.

Give a coloring page to each child, along with crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share. Lead a discussion using the questions below as children color their pages.

1. What is happening in this scene from the Bible story? Peter and John (Jesus’ apostles or disciples) are laying hands on the believers for them to be filled with the Spirit.

2. How was this different than Philip’s ministry in Samaria? He preached the Good News and baptized people in water; however, they were not filled with the Spirit.

3. What did the people do when they were filled with the Spirit? They began to praise God in different tongues or languages.

4. Can you name another time in the Bible that this same thing occurred with a large group of people? On the Day of Pentecost—in the Upper Room in Jerusalem.

5. What was Simon’s reaction? He was amazed and wanted the same power and tried to pay for it.

6. What is the purpose of God’s gifts? To bring glory to God, to accomplish His will, to confirm His Word, to point people to Him, and to show others His love and power.

7. How do we receive any of God’s gifts? Are there some we must purchase? No; we receive them when we believe in Jesus. They are freely given by the Holy Spirit.