Leader Guide

The People Living in Darkness (Optional Activity)

  • Two blindfolds 
  • Tennis ball

Students take turns being “The People Living in Darkness” who wear the blindfolds and try to pass a tennis ball back and forth between themselves.

How to Play:

  • Choose two players and blindfold them.
  • Have one player stand on a mark on the floor (masking tape works well for this).
  • Have everyone else form a circle around the player, just the past player's arm’s reach.
  • Have the second player join the circle and give them the tennis ball.
  • The second player holds out the ball in the circle as everyone says, “Find the light!”
  • The player in the center, using only one hand, stays on the mark and finds the ball.
  • Once the player in the center finds the light, move the other blindfolded player to a new position in the circle and have the center player pass the ball back to them the same way.
  • Switch the center player to the other player’s position and repeat the game.
  • Play again with a new pair of players.

Notes: The fun of this game is watching the players. Focus on that, and fight the urge to find a competitive angle. Also, stress this fact if time constraints keep everyone from a turn as a player.

Be sure the circle stays large enough to avoid the center player’s flailing hands. People may have a tendency to ‘squeeze in,’ especially with a small number of students. If you have younger students, it may be worthwhile to tape a circle on the floor to show them where to stand.


How did it feel to be one of the blindfolded players? Confusing, fun, etc. 

How was it to see the blindfolded players trying to pass the ball to each other? Funny, frustrating, etc. 

Would it have been as much fun without the blindfolds? No. It would be too easy. 

It was fun watching them mess up, wasn’t it? And it was fun trying. But what if you were doing something important...would it be fun to be blindfolded? No. It would be frustrating. 

That’s how Israel was operating when Jesus came. Their religious leaders were not sure how to understand God’s words. It was like they were blind to God’s instruction. They were also blinded by their situation of being ruled by Rome. They needed help. Jesus came to shine His light, not just for them, but for everyone who came after.