Leader Guide

Invitation and Prayer

Invitation (3-5 mins)

Do you believe in Him? The Bible says,

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 NIV)

If you believe in Jesus and want to be saved, you need to do three things. Have them hold up one finger. Admit that you need God. Have them hold up two fingers. Believe that Jesus really is God’s Son—fully God, who was fully a person on earth, who gave Himself fully to take your punishment. And . . . Have them hold up three fingers. . . . say what you believe—that Jesus is Lord. Not just once, but whenever and wherever. Keeping it a secret won’t help.

At this point, the Leader can invite kids to pray and ask Jesus into their hearts: “Jesus, I believe that You died on the cross to pay for my sins. Please be my Savior, my Master, and my Friend. Please come into my heart to give me new life and to help me to follow You with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.” Be sure to follow up with the students as necessary.

If you believe in Jesus and just made the decision to follow Him, we are so happy for you! Don’t keep it a secret. Tell your leaders about it, and tell your parents. We are so excited for you, and we want to help you when you need it.


Well, everyone, happy Easter! Next Sunday, we’ll learn more about what happened after Jesus came back to life. He tells His followers they won’t be alone, and He gives them a big present . . . . Want to know what He gave them? Be here next week! Don’t keep it a secret if a student really wants to know.

Let’s pray again before we go. Father in Heaven, please help us all to understand more what it means that Jesus died on the cross and rose again so we could be forgiven. For those of us who decided to trust You and follow Jesus, please help them to grow and declare their belief. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.