Leader Guide

Discussion and Bible Study

Discussion and Bible Study (20 mins)

That sounds great, doesn’t it—that God will rule over all the nations and everyone on earth?

Have you ever thought that life didn't seem fair or a situation didn't make sense?

Maybe it was because you got punished when you didn’t even do anything wrong . . . and for real this time. Perhaps it was because something bad happened to someone you know—someone who didn’t deserve for that to happen.

That’s probably how Jesus’ closest followers, his disciples, felt when He died on the cross. I bet they said things like, “How could this happen?” and, “This makes no sense!” Do you know what else they felt? They felt scared. Why do you think they were scared? Children respond.

They were scared because Jesus, their leader, had been beaten and hung on a cross . . . and it made sense that they might be next. Scary, right? Let’s take a look at what happened right after Jesus was crucified. I promise this won’t be scary.

PLAY VIDEO: Ascension: Bible Story Part One(7:02)

Ascension: Bible Story

Did you see how the disciples on the shore had lost hope after Jesus died? They were moping around and finally decided to go fishing. Then they didn’t catch anything and started moping again. They were hopeless. But suddenly, Jesus came along and filled their nets with fish and filled their hearts with hope!

See, Jesus keeps His promises. Suddenly, they remembered that He had told them He would die and come back to life—and they knew they could trust Him!

But Jesus didn’t just appear to a few people. A bunch of people saw Him during the forty days or so after Easter. The Apostle Paul even says that He appeared to over 500 people at one time! All those people learned that they could trust Jesus to keep His promises.

You can trust Him, too. When you truly trust Jesus, you will see even greater things than what you can imagine. Watch what Jesus’ disciples saw when His time on earth was finished.

PLAY VIDEO: Ascension: Bible Story Part Two (2:52)

Ascension: Bible Story Part Two

Wasn’t that amazing, seeing Jesus rise up into the clouds like that? And did you hear what He told them before He left? He told His disciples, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”

Even after seeing Jesus come back to life, the disciples were still not sure how they could tell everybody about what they saw. Maybe they thought it would sound too crazy to believe. But Jesus promised they would not be alone. They would have the Holy Spirit to guide them and teach them.