Leader Guide

Wrap Up & Prayer

Wrap Up & Prayer (3 mins)

Did you know that we can have the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us, too? We can! Jesus kept His promise to give His followers the Holy Spirit way back then—we’ll see how that happened in another lesson—and He still gives His followers the gift of the Holy Spirit. Wow! I can hardly wait for you guys to learn more about that!

For now, though, pray with me, please. Heavenly Father, You are so good to us. You give us everything, and You don’t keep anything from us. You gave us Your own Son and your Holy Spirit. Open our hearts to receive Your amazing love, and let us be sent to share it, too. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Let’s get on our feet and praise God with some music!

PLAY VIDEO: Follow Jesus(3 mins)

Follow Jesus


I have really enjoyed our time together this morning, and I hope to see you here again soon. Until then, I want you to think about something: God doesn’t want people to be alone. That’s why He came down here as Jesus to patch things up, and why He sent His Holy Spirit to be with us all the time. So if you’re feeling alone, why don’t you try praying to God? He always hears you. Hopefully, you see that He loves you. Don’t forget about your parents, either—I know they love you, too. Until next time!