Leader Guide


  • Four pieces of cardboard or poster board
  • Painter’s tape or masking tape
  • Marker
  • Two 12-foot ropes or strings
  • Bible or Superbook Bible app
  • Refer to Nicodemus Help Is On the Way Game

Write “Danger” on two pieces of cardboard or poster board.
Write “Safety” on the other two pieces of cardboard or poster board.
Lay out the game area as shown in the illustration, marking the location of “Danger” on one side and “Safety” directly opposite them. Leave enough space between the rectangles to be challenging yet possible.
Optional Play: you may prefer to divide the class in half and use only two rectangles, playing as one team against the clock. Play again and try to beat the previous time.

Help Is on the Way! Play a game about being saved.

Who can say our SuperTruth today? Jesus came to save us.

Let’s play a game about being saved from danger! Pretend that two of these rectangles represent some kind of danger, difficulty, or trouble we face. You can’t get out of it alone, and you need someone to come and save you! The other two rectangles represent a place of safety. You will take turns tossing a rope to rescue your teammates in trouble and then bring them to safety!

Divide the class into two equal teams. Have each team line up behind a “Danger” rectangle. Choose one child from each team to be the first “rescuer,” who stands with a rope on the “Safety” rectangle across from the team’s “Danger” rectangle. One player on each team steps onto the “Danger” rectangle and must keep both feet in the rectangle until he or she can catch the rope and be rescued.

Each rescuer should hold one end of the rope and quickly toss the other end as many times as necessary until the player in danger can grab it, then gently pull on the rope until the rescued player walks to the “Safety” rectangle. The first player then drops the rope and sits behind the “Safety” rectangle, and the rescued player becomes the rescuer, tossing the rope to the next player on the “Danger” rectangle.

Both teams play simultaneously. If a player steps off a rectangle, play stops for that team until the player is back on again. The first team to rescue all of its players wins!

Optional: If time permits, play again, and move the rectangles farther away from each other for a greater challenge.

Conclusion: When you saw teammates in trouble, did you stand there and criticize or judge them for getting themselves in the trouble they were in? No! You were there to save them, not judge them!

In this game, we saved each other, but Jesus is the only one who can rescue us from our sins. That was His mission when He came to earth—not to judge us but to save us. Today, He still saves all who believe in Him and are born again! Let’s learn more about Jesus’ mission in today’s teaching.