Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Tarnished pennies—one per child, plus one for presentation
  • Four clear plastic cups or jars
  • 12 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 3 teaspoons of salt
  • Three plastic spoons
  • Permanent marker
  • Table
  • Paper towels

Combine 4 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt in three clear plastic cups or jars and stir.
Place water in the fourth cup or jar.
Write a small “L” near the bottom of the cup on one side.
Place the cups, coins, spoons, and towels on the table.
Note: Use fewer or more clear plastic cups or jars depending on your class size.

As Good as New: Demonstrate how Jesus removes our sins.

Hold up a penny. Do you see how this penny is dark and discolored? What was originally a bright, shiny coin is now discolored and tarnished. Nicodemus and the religious leaders were tarnished with sin. They thought they knew all there was to know about receiving eternal life and going to heaven. It was all about doing good deeds and keeping the law to make them acceptable to God. Let’s call this the “Law Cup.” Place the coin in the cup with the “L.”

But then Jesus came along and started teaching that you must be born again. This was totally different from what they believed and had been teaching. It had nothing to do with the law or works that someone did.

Hold up a different penny. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again. He said you must be born of the water and the Spirit. (See John 3:5.) That is what these three cups represent. We’ll call them the “Born Again” cups. Place the coin in one cup and allow it to soak for a minute as you talk about the first coin.

Let’s see what has happened with the coin we put in the Law Cup. According to the Pharisees, this should remove the tarnish from the coin. Use the spoon to lift the coin out and wipe it with a towel and begin to study it.

Hmm, do you see any difference? No.

I agree; it looks the same. You see, there is nothing we can do to wash our sins away and receive eternal life. No amount of giving, going to church, doing good things, or following rules can get us to heaven. Those things don’t work, just like we see here.

Now, let’s check out the coin in the Born Again Cup, which represents being born of the water and Spirit. Remove the coin with the spoon and wipe it off with the paper towel to reveal a shiny coin! Ahhh, that’s better! Only Jesus can wash our sins away!

Allow children to place their coins in the cups, remove them after a minute, and wipe them off. Encourage the children to take the pennies home as a reminder that Jesus came to save us and wash our sins away!