Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Care Prayers: Communicate with God.

What’s our SuperTruth today? “I am safe in God’s care!”

God inspired Moses’ parents to do something very unusual to save his life! There are many other times in the Bible when God told someone to do something unexpected to accomplish His will or to protect His people. God has no limits on how He can care for us and keep us safe.

Let’s close our eyes right now and pray. Allow children time to think and pray silently after each statement.

Let’s thank God for loving us and sending His Son, Jesus, to save us from sin and death by dying on the cross. Now let’s praise Him for rising from the dead and giving us new life. Silently, we can tell God about any fears we have; then, we can ask Him to help us trust Him no matter what happens. Finally, let’s ask Him to seal us with the Holy Spirit, filling us with His power to follow Him and make wise choices, to give us the strength to resist temptation, and to keep us protected and safe.

Allow children time to pray silently and then close in prayer.

Pray: Dear Jesus, thank You for loving us and caring for us. We put our complete trust in You to answer every prayer that was privately shared with You today. In Your name, we pray, amen.