Leader Guide


  • Plastic disposable cups in two colors—nine of one color and one of a second color for every team of five children
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Marker
  • Table
  • See The Birth of Moses In Safe Keeping Game Illustration for reference.

Place a table about 5 feet from the wall.
Make two stacks of ten cups, placing the cup of a different color on the bottom of each stack.
Place the stacks on the table several feet apart.

In Safe Keeping: Play a game to hide and reveal Moses!

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Hebrews 11:23:

It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command.

God kept Moses safe in several different places. Can you name them? Children answer. God kept Moses safe in his parents’ home, in a basket, in Pharaoh’s palace, and then later in the wilderness until it was time for Moses to do what God called him to do—lead God’s people out of Egypt! That’s what this game is all about!

Divide the class into teams of five children. Depending on class size, you can do groups of two to ten if you prefer. Have the teams form two separate lines, several feet from the table. Hold up the single-color cup, then place it on the bottom of the stack. This cup is a different color than the other cups in your stack. It represents Moses. You will pick up a cup stack and hide Moses by moving the cup from the bottom to the top of your stack. Then each player will take a turn moving a cup from the bottom to the top of the stack, only one cup at a time. Continue this way until “Moses” reaches the bottom position and can be seen again.

This represents how Moses was hidden for many years until God called him to go to Egypt to speak to Pharaoh, where everyone could see him again!

Start the game. The first player from each team will quickly walk to the backside of the table and face the other children. Each player will pick up the stack of cups, take the cup from the bottom, and place it on the top as described above. The player will then quickly return home, and the next player will take a turn. Continue until the “Moses” cup is revealed again at the bottom of the stack. The first team to do this wins.

Play additional rounds with the children who played last going first this time.

Game variations:

• Use one stack and play as a large group for the fastest time for all to finish.

• Play rounds of two or more children facing off against each other. Then, have a playoff to determine the champion.

• Add additional cups to the stacks for longer play.

Let’s pray: God, we are learning that we are safe in Your care. You have a purpose and plan for each one of us. Help us to trust in Your care as we wait for Your timing. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.