Leader Guide


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Prompting Prayers: Communicate with God.

Moses believed that he wasn’t the right person for the role he was asked to play in God’s plan to rescue the Israelites. He made a lot of excuses for why someone else should go in his place. God was very patient with Moses. He promised to give Moses the words to say to Pharaoh and even promised to go with him.

God’s promise is still true today. Sometimes, when the Holy Spirit leads us to do or say something, we might hesitate and make excuses about why we can’t or shouldn’t obey. Often, it is because we don’t feel qualified, or we are shy—or like Moses, we may feel that we aren’t good with words.

In our prayer time today, we are going to express our trust in God’s promise to be with us and to give us the words to speak. In Luke 12:12, Jesus told His followers:

“For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what needs to be said.”

In expressing our trust in His promise, we will submit to His plan for us as we follow His instructions by faith. Let’s close our eyes and bow our heads. First, silently praise Him for His plan and purpose for your life. Allow children time to pray.