Leader Guide

Relay Game

  • Dominoes—three per child, plus extras
  • Craft sticks (standard and jumbo size)—one each per team of five children
  • Six sheets of cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Chairs with flat seats—one per team of four to five children.
  • Optional: painter’s tape or masking tape
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Place the chairs facing out from the wall near one end of the room. Leave a few feet between each one. Chairs should have flat seats so that domino towers can be built on them.
Place a mark or line about 15 feet from the chairs.
In front of each chair, place a pile of about fifteen dominoes just behind the mark or line.

Carry on! Play a game to carry bricks to a construction site.

Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “God has a plan and purpose for my life.”

The Israelites were required to make bricks with mud and straw. Once the bricks dried, they had to carry them to the Egyptians’ construction sites. That’s what this game is all about. The good news is that you may work inside, not in the hot sun like the Israelites!

Divide the children into teams of four to five children. For smaller classes, play in pairs. Teams do not need to be even. Try to mix older children with younger children on each team. Have teams form single-file lines beside the team’s pile of dominoes. Point to the domino pile and then walk to the chairs.

The dominoes represent bricks. You are going to carry the bricks to the building sites, which are represented by the chair seats. Does that sound easy enough? I agree—maybe a little too easy! Hold up a jumbo craft stick. Each worker must carry a brick on the end of a stick. Demonstrate as you talk. You will walk as quickly as possible to the building site, but not too fast—the brick may fall off! If it does, you must pick it up and place it on the stick again before you complete your journey. Once you reach the building site, you will place your brick on the seat and walk backwards to your team. The next player will immediately take a turn. Each player will carefully add their brick to the tower. The first team to complete their tower wins. If a tower falls at any time, it must be rebuilt before the player returns home. An additional teammate can quickly walk to the tower to help rebuild, if necessary.

Play another round and, for an added challenge, have the children use the smaller craft sticks this time. Game variations:

1. Grades 1–3 use only the jumbo craft sticks; grades 4–6 use only the standard size.

2. For a second round, children will hold a craft stick in each hand. A team member will place one domino on each stick and then follow the “carrier” as they travel. The teammate will pick up and “reload” any dropped dominoes along the route.

3. Play with more bricks and time the game; the team that has carried the most bricks to their site when time runs out wins.

4. Play with more bricks. Older children must carry two bricks at a time.

Conclusion: God heard the Israelites’ cries and sent Moses to rescue them. In Exodus 7:16, God tells Moses to say this to Pharaoh:

“The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to tell you, ‘Let My people go, so they can worship Me in the wilderness.’”

God does not want us to live in bondage, either. He sent Jesus to set us free so that we can serve and worship Him. That is a very high calling, indeed!