Leader Guide


Make two copies of each of the five Name Cards pages.
Cut apart the cards and glue each one to the front of a paper plate—four plates will be blank.
Shuffle all of the plates and stack them.

Matchless Names: Play an active matching game.

Who can say our SuperTruth today? “God will reveal Himself to me.”

After Moses grew up, he left Egypt and lived in the wilderness. There, God called him to go back to Egypt to set God’s people free. When Moses asked for God’s name, God answered, “I AM.”

Optional: read Exodus 3:4–6:

4When the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look, God called to him from the middle of the bush, “Moses! Moses!” “Here I am!” Moses replied. 5 “Do not come any closer,” the LORD warned. “Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground. 6I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” When Moses heard this, he covered his face because he was afraid to look at God.

God referred to Himself as “I AM.” Jesus is the fulfillment of “I AM.” He referred to Himself using several “I AM” names. Jesus will reveal Himself to us in these different names as we pray, worship, serve, seek, and experience Him at work in our lives. This game is played like a matching game, but it is more active. You will select two plates and turn them over to find matches of the seven “I AM” names of Jesus and three other names He is known by.

Divide the class into two teams; they do not need to be even. Teams will make two separate lines near one end of the room. Have an assistant or sixth-grader volunteer help you arrange the plates to make a “game board” on the floor near one end of the room. See the illustration for the set-up of rows and columns. Important—leave enough space between the plates to walk through.

Players walk from the starting line and flip over two plates—one at a time—holding each up for all to see. If both plates match, the player keeps the matching plates and puts them in a pile near the team. If the plates do not match, they are turned face-down again in the same spots. The player returns to his/her team, and the next player from the other team takes a turn. The team with the most matches when all of the plates are revealed wins.

As each match is made, briefly discuss what the name means from the list below:

1. Bread of Life—He provides for all our needs: spiritual, physical, and emotional.

2. Light of the World—He is our spiritual light in the darkness.

3. Gate—He is the only way to enter into salvation.

4. Vine—He is our connection to God; without Him, we can do nothing.

5. Good Shepherd—He cares for us; He died for us, and He is our protection and defense.

6. The Resurrection and the Life—He gives us eternal life.

7. The Way, the Truth, and the Life—He is the only way God provided to live in heaven.

8. Jesus—Savior.

9. Lord—Master or Ruler.

10. Emmanuel—God with us.

Conclusion: We will never discover all there is to know about the Lord! His many names are revealed throughout the Bible as He accomplishes His will and interacts with His people. Let’s learn more about how Moses’ life points to Christ and how Jesus referred to Himself as “I AM.”