Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Revealing Prayers: Communicate with God.

Have children sit in a circle. God revealed Himself to Moses in the wilderness. What was unusual about how God spoke with Moses? He talked to him from a burning bush.

God wants to reveal Himself to us, too. Jeremiah 29:13 says:

“If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me.”

When we are hungry to discover more about God, He will reveal Himself to us. God is with us in all situations, no matter where we are or what we are doing. Through our trials, successes, and even our failures, God never leaves us.

In this time of prayer, let’s commit to seeking God with all our hearts. That means keeping our spiritual eyes and ears open to Him, that He might reveal Himself to us in any situation or circumstance. Allow time for children to pray.

Next, let’s commit to seeking God each day by reading His Word. This can be just one verse we read and meditate on in our Discipleship Challenge. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal something about God as you read. Allow time for children to pray.

Finally, let’s commit to seeking God through prayer each day. When we pray, we shouldn’t just tell God what we want and then say, “Amen.” Instead, we should spend time listening to His Spirit speaking to our hearts. Allow time for children to pray.

Close: Lord God, we want to know as much as we can about You. Help us to make time to seek You in prayer and in reading Your Word. Open our spiritual eyes and ears to see You at work in our lives and the world. Thank You, heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen!