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Need Prayers: Communicate with God.

What’s our SuperTruth today? “Everyone needs Jesus!”

Luke 19:1–3 says:

1Jesus entered Jericho and made His way through the town. 2There was a man there named Zacchaeus. He was the chief tax collector in the region, and he had become very rich. 3He tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short to see over the crowd.

Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. It could have been out of curiosity, or maybe it was because he knew something was missing in his life that he couldn’t identify. Maybe he thought he might witness one of Jesus’ miracles! Whatever the reason, it would have been easy for Zacchaeus to give up when he couldn’t see over the crowd. But he refused to quit—even going so far as to climb a tree to see Jesus.

Have you ever been curious about Jesus and wished you could talk with Him? Did you know that you can do that anytime and anywhere? We don’t have to climb a tree and wait for Him to walk by. Jesus is always with us. One of the many names of Jesus is Immanuel. Does anyone know what this name means?

Immanuel means “God with us.” Today in our prayer time, I would like you to silently express your need for Him. It could be for salvation, for forgiveness, for compassion, for strength—whatever your need, Jesus is more than able to meet it. Allow children time to pray silently.

OPTIONAL: Lead a prayer of salvation, pausing after each line for children to pray along:

Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and that I want to have a relationship with You ...
Please forgive me for all of the wrong things I have done ...
I believe in my heart that Jesus died and rose again to take away my sin ...
And I declare Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior ...
Please, fill me with Your Holy Spirit ...
that I may be faithful to You ...
Thank you for saving me and for letting me become Your child ...
Please speak to me and help me hear Your voice and follow Your ways ...
I look forward to spending time with You ... both here on earth and in heaven. ...
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Now, let’s thank Him for meeting all of our needs.
Dear God, thank You for never leaving us and always being there to meet our needs. The Bible promises that You will supply all our needs through Jesus. Help us never forget that everyone needs Jesus and that He is all that we will ever need! In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.