Leader Guide

Coloring Activity

Make copies of the coloring page—one per child, plus extras.

Write the SuperVerse on the board. Romans 3:23:

All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.

Judge Gizmo: Color a scene from the Superbook video.

Give a coloring page to each child, along with crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children color their pages.

1. Why did Gizmo feel he needed to become a judge? Chris and Joy were having a disagreement, and he was trying to help decide who was right or wrong.

2. Did Chris argue that he was in the right? No, he agreed with Joy.

3. What did the people of Jericho think about Zacchaeus before he met Jesus? He was dishonest when collecting taxes; they thought he could never change.

4. Why is it wrong to judge others? The Bible tells us not to judge others; we all have sinned; only God knows what is in someone’s heart and the whole truth.

5. What should we do instead of judging someone? Pray for them. Show them God’s love, mercy, and kindness. Give them the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.

6. How did Joy and Chris’s disagreement turn out? They both apologized and admitted they were wrong in different ways. They asked for forgiveness.

Conclusion: We must keep in mind that we all sin and need Jesus. There is no heart that Jesus can’t soften and change. Jesus came to save everyone from their sins, no matter what they have done. Instead of judging people, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see them as God sees them—as His children and creation with a purpose to fulfill in His kingdom.