Leader Guide

Relay Game

  • Two Zacchaeus Mercy and Forgiveness Signs
  • Index cards—two per child, plus extras
  • Tape
  • Two beach towels or tablecloths
  • Two medium-size boxes
  • Two clean trash cans or containers
  • Masking tape or painter’s tape
  • Pencils—one per child
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

On the board, write Proverbs 28:13 (NLT):

People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.

Write MERCY and FORGIVENESS on the board in large letters underneath the verse.
Make one copy each of the two Mercy and Forgiveness Signs in color or black and white.
Tape a sign on one side of both boxes.
Place the boxes on the floor near one end of the room.
Place a trash can about six feet to the outer side of each box—see image Zacchaeus Relay Game.
Place a starting mark or line about 20–25 feet from the boxes.

No Reason to Hide: Play a game to receive mercy and forgiveness.

It is important for us to be honest with God; He knows us inside and out. He even knows our thoughts! There is nothing hidden from God—that includes our weaknesses, struggles, and sins.

He can also see the good things that we do with a pure heart and motive. Nothing escapes God’s eyes! The game we are about to play is based on Proverbs 28:13, which is on the board. Let’s read it together:

People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.

What does it mean to conceal something? To hide something or keep it a secret.

If we don’t prosper, we don’t thrive and succeed. But when we confess our sins to Jesus instead of covering them up, we receive mercy. This means that instead of punishing us as we deserve, He forgives us.

  • Divide the children into two equal teams. An assistant may need to play, so groups are equal.
  • Have the teams gather in separate areas behind the starting line.
  • Give two index cards and a pencil to each child. Have each child write MERCY and FORGIVENESS on one side of a card. Younger children can copy the words from the board.
  • Have children write their first and last name in large letters on the back of the card.
  • Gather each team’s cards separately, shuffle them, and place them in the team’s MERCY and FORGIVENESS box.
  • On the second index card, have the children write their first and last name on one side of the card.
  • On the back, have children write “SIN.” Then they should close their eyes for a moment and silently think of anything that is bothering their conscience and that they would like to confess to God.
  • Gather each team’s SIN cards separately, shuffle them, and place them in a pile on the floor mid-way between the team box and the starting line.
  • Place the beach towel or table cloth over the cards to conceal them.
  • Have each team make a line behind the starting line.

In this race, the first players from each team will walk quickly to the towel, lift it, and pick up the card with their name. They will then cover the other cards with the towel again, quickly walk to the trash can, and throw the card away.

Next, they will turn away from the trash can and go to the MERCY AND FORGIVENESS boxes, where they will find and pick up the index card with their name. Then the players will go back to the starting line, and the next player will take a turn. The first team to finish wins.

Play until everyone has received “mercy” and “forgiveness.” Good job, everybody! How did it feel to get rid of your sin and receive forgiveness and mercy? Children answer.

Conclusion: We had fun playing this game, but everything you did represented something very real and powerful.

1. You took something to God and confessed it instead of hiding it.

2. You turned from your sin and then received mercy and forgiveness.

Place both trash cans in front of you. There is still one important thing that God does every time that Jesus shows us mercy and forgives us.

Hint if necessary: We talked about this in today’s teaching, and the answer is in the SuperVerse. God takes our sins away.

Place both trash cans outside the classroom and close the door. Jesus not only forgives us, but He also takes our sins away!