Leader Guide

Blindfold Game

  • Zacchaeus Figure Page from the Zacchaeus Blindfold Game printable 
  • One Tree Pattern from the Zacchaeus Blindfold Game printable
  • Blindfold: use a sleep mask, bandana, or cloth
  • Poster board
  • Glue
  • Painter’s or masking tape
  • Scissors
  • Pencils—one for each child

Make a copy of the Zacchaeus Figure Page—one copy for every nine children.
Carefully cut out the individual Zacchaeus figures.
Make one copy of the Tree Pattern, consisting of four pages.
Glue the four pages on the poster board to assemble a tree.
Tape the poster board on a wall at a height where all children can touch the top of the tree.
Mark or tape a starting line about 12 feet from the wall.

A Better View: Place Zacchaeus in a tree to see Jesus.

In our story, was it one of Jesus’ disciples or Gizmo who climbed the tree? No, Zacchaeus.

Why did he climb the tree—to pick figs for a snack? No, to see Jesus.

Give each child a Zacchaeus figure and a pencil. Have the children write their name on the back, and then collect the pencils. Have children form a single-file line behind the mark or line.

Just like in the Bible story, Zacchaeus needs to climb the tree to see Jesus. In this game, you will each have the opportunity to help him! Raise your hand if you have played a game called “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” Children respond.

When it is your turn, I will give you a ring of tape to stick to the back of your figure. Then I will place a blindfold on you.

Optional: Spin each child around three times, gently. You will carefully walk to the wall and try to place Zacchaeus in the tree. Each figure that touches any part of the tree gets one point. One more thing: you have to play with one hand behind your back to make it a little more challenging. Once you have stuck your figure to the wall, you may take the blindfold off and give it to the next player.

Play until all children have taken a turn and then count the points. Children can remove their figure and play again if time permits.

Conclusion: That looked like fun. You did a “TREE-mendous” job helping Zacchaeus! Zacchaeus was determined to see Jesus, and he didn’t let his size or an unfriendly crowd keep him from his goal. Let’s follow his example and never stop seeking after Jesus every day of our lives! Just like you helped Zacchaeus in this game, we should try to help others to see Jesus in any way we can!