Leader Guide

Turning Game

  • Round balloons—one for each team of four to six children, plus extras
  • Paper plates or sheets of cardstock—one per team
  • Painter's tape or masking tape
  • See Zacchaeus Turning Game illustration

Blow up and tie the balloons closed.
Mark or tape two lines on the floor, approximately 15 feet apart.
Mark or tape two more lines about 5 feet from the lines. See the illustration.
Divide the children into equal teams of four to six, depending on class size. One child may need to play twice.
Divide each team in half again. Have the team halves stand at opposite ends behind the lines directly across from each other. See illustration.

The Turning Point: Play a game to follow Jesus.

Let's say today's SuperTruth together: "I will turn from my sins and follow Jesus."

Walk as you talk and demonstrate turning at each mark. Today, we are going to play a fun game about turning. You will walk from the start mark to the finish mark on the other side of the room. When you come to each of the two marks along the way, you must turn completely around before you can continue. Now, does that sound easy enough?

As I think about it, it's probably a little too easy.

Hold a paper plate or cardstock sheet and place a balloon on top of it, then demonstrate walking the course again.

To make this more challenging, you must balance the balloon on top of the plate as you walk and turn. Now, be careful—if you move too quickly, the balloon may fall to the floor. If it does, you must pick it up and continue from that spot. When you reach the finish line, hand the balloon and plate to the next player on your team, who will then take the journey to the finish line at the opposite end. The first team to finish wins!

Play again as time permits.

Conclusion: Good job turning, everyone! When we first decide to turn from our sins and follow Christ, that is just the beginning. All along our journey of life, there will be times we make bad choices and need to turn back to God. The good news for us is that we can always trust that He will welcome us back, forgive us, and take our sins away!