Leader Guide


  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App

Do and Say: Play a game to copy someone’s words and actions.

In this lesson, we are learning to live according to Jesus’ words. You might be surprised to learn that Jesus also listened to someone and spoke the same words. Can you guess who? Children answer.

The answer is found in John 7:16:

So Jesus told them, “My message is not My own; it comes from God who sent Me.”

Jesus not only listened to God, but He also followed His example and did as God did. Read John 5:19:

So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself. He does only what He sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.”

Just as Jesus listened to the Father and did as He did, Jesus wants us to follow His example.

What is a role model? A person you look up to and try to copy, follow, or imitate.

In addition to following Jesus’ example, it is important to have good role models who are faithful to God. As they follow God and obey Him, we can be inspired to follow their example. Let’s do a fun little activity and practice being a role model and a faithful follower.

Pair up the children. If there is an uneven number, volunteer to be someone’s partner. Stand facing one another. Choose one child to be the leader and the other child to be the follower. The leader should very slowly make a facial expression or move a hand, foot, leg, or head. The leader can make a silly sound, say a funny word or phrase, or—even better—say a word from the Sermon on the Mount like spirit, humble, thirst, or peace. The child who is the follower must do or say the same things as closely as possible, just like a mirror. After a few moments, switch roles. If time allows, switch partners.

Conclusion: It is important to have people we can look up to as they follow Christ. But even more importantly, our perfect role model should always be Jesus! When we listen to Jesus’ words and apply them to our lives, we will grow strong and be prepared for anything!