Leader Guide


  • An internet-connected device that the class can see and hear
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSWyv3DSZOQ

Watch Superbook Vlog: Poor Spirit; Rich Life

Let’s watch a short Superbook Vlog about what it means to be poor in spirit.

Show the video “Poor Spirit, Rich Life” (3 minutes):


Afterward, hold a group discussion. Ask questions such as:

Have you ever been sure that you could do something all by yourself, but then you ran into trouble?

Can you give an example?

When do you feel that you need God the most?

When you ask God for His help, do you think He is mad that you asked—or do you think He loves you so much that He’s glad you asked for His help?

Pray: Lord God, we need You, even when we don’t realize it. Remind us that we need to stay connected to the vine, or we can do nothing. Help us to be humble and to depend on You for wisdom, understanding, courage, and guidance. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.