Leader Guide


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Light Prayers: Communicate with God.

In our SuperVerse discussion, we learned that we are to let our deeds shine for all to see. Jesus also said in Matthew 6:1:

“Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven.”

Our motivation should be to please God and seek His reward—if not in this world, in heaven!

In our prayer time today, I would like you to ask God to show you ways you can be a light at home, at school, in your neighborhood, or anywhere. Did you know that we can even be a light at church? Can you think of a way? To be a friend to a guest, to sincerely praise God, to listen and obey the teachers, to show respect to the pastor and other leaders, etc.

When we put Jesus’ words into action, His light can shine anywhere!

I would like you to close your eyes and silently ask God to show you something that you can do today to show His light. Allow children time to pray.

Now, continue to close your eyes and express your desire for Him to receive the praise for the good deeds you will do. Allow children time to pray silently.

Close in prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus is the Light of the world and that He lives in us. Help us to shine Jesus’ light wherever we go and in whatever we do, not for our glory, but Yours! In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.