Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Various lights: flashlight, lamp, a strand of Christmas lights, unlit candle, nightlight, or additional types of lights as desired
  • Table
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Place the lights on the table.

A Light Discussion: Discuss the purpose of shining.

We have been learning about being a light to others and doing good deeds so people will praise us, right? No, so they will praise God!

Oh, yes, thank you!

God sent a man named John the Baptist for the specific purpose of preparing the way for Jesus. Here is what the Bible says about Him. Read John 1:6–9:

6God sent a man, John the Baptist, 7to tell about the Light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony. 8John himself was not the Light; he was simply a witness to tell about the Light. 9The one who is the true Light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.

Who is the one true Light of the world? Jesus.

John wasn’t the Light. He knew his purpose was not to build his own following but to lead people to follow Jesus—the one true Light. Regarding Jesus, John the Baptist said in John 3:30 (NKJV):

He must increase, but I must decrease.

Just as John’s specific purpose was to point others to Jesus, these different lights have a specific purpose, too.

Adjust the discussion to correspond with the lights you have chosen.

Hold up the Christmas lights. What is the purpose of these lights? Would you use this to light the way in a dark cave? No, they are used to decorate and light the Christmas tree.

Hold up the lamp. What is this used for? Would you hang it on a Christmas tree? No, it is used to light a room.

Hold up the flashlight. What is the purpose of this light? Would you use it to see the road while driving a car or riding a motorcycle at night? No, you carry it with you to see as you walk outside or in a dark place. You can use it in the house if the power goes out in a storm.

Hold up the night light. Now, what is the purpose of this light? It is a night light that you place in a hallway or a room, so if you wake up at night, you can see.

Before Jesus’ death, He spoke this to His disciples in John 12:36a:

“Put your trust in the Light while there is still time; then you will become children of the Light.”

Jesus referred to Himself as the Light in this verse.

Call up a volunteer girl and boy to stand before you. Now, according to Jesus in this verse, when {child’s name} and {child’s name} put their trust in Him, what do they become? Children of the Light.

Jesus begins to live in their hearts and shine through them. What is the specific purpose of this light—to cause people to look at them and admire them? No, it is to shine and bring praise and glory to God; to point to Him.

Conclusion: God called us for a specific purpose, just like with John the Baptist. Jesus is coming to earth again. Our purpose is to live as children of light and to prepare people for His coming.