Leader Guide


  • Five dominoes or any building blocks
  • Life jacket, life ring, or section of rope
  • Flashlight
  • Sheet or towel
  • Table
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible app
  • Isaiah Send Me Gizmo Craft
  • Brass roundhead paper fasteners—4 per child, plus extras
  • Cardstock—1 sheet per child, plus extras
  • Scissors
  • Children's scissors—one pair per child
  • Pencils
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Place the dominoes, life jacket, and flashlight on the table; cover them with the sheet.

Discipleship Challenge:

Make copies of the Isaiah Send Me Gizmo Craft on cardstock in color or black and white—one per child, plus extras.
You may prefer to pre-punch the eight holes on each Gizmo Figure page to save time and make it easier for younger children to complete their crafts.
Make one model craft to show the class as an example.

Send Me: Discuss answering God’s call.

Let’s say today’s SuperTruth together: “God is looking for people to send.” Isaiah was God’s prophet. He answered God’s call to be His messenger during the reign of four of Israel’s kings. Sometimes the message was a word of encouragement, like when God answered Hezekiah’s prayers. Other times, it was an unpopular message telling people to repent, turn away from sin, and turn back to God. Isaiah also predicted important events hundreds of years before they actually happened, such as the birth of God’s Son to a virgin and describing how Jesus would die for our sins. No matter the message, Isaiah answered God’s call.

God gave Isaiah a vision of His throne room with angelic beings called Seraphim. These beings continually circled the throne and praised God. When Isaiah saw all this, did he get excited and happy and say, “Wow! Praise God! This is awesome!”? No.

No, Isaiah said, “Woe is me!” He realized he was sinful and unclean in God’s presence. When we truly understand who God is and how holy and perfect He is, we see we are sinful and need to be saved! In Isaiah’s vision, a seraph touched his lips with a burning coal, cleansing him.

Have you ever been in a class where the teacher was calling on students to do something, but you didn’t want to be called on, so you tried to hide? Children respond. 

Even though Isaiah was terrified in God’s presence, he didn’t try to hide. Instead, he answered boldly. Let’s read what he said in our SuperVerse: Isaiah 6:8:

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for Us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”

Today, God is still looking for people who are willing to obey Him. He is waiting for people to answer His call and say, “Here I am; send me!”

Who are some people God may ask you to speak to? A family member, friend, or classmate.

What kind of message could God ask us to speak? Let’s discuss a few possibilities. After each one, if you believe you would be willing to trust God and obediently go if He called you, then stand up and say, “Here I am, send me!” Let’s all practice that right now! “Here I am, send me!” 

1. Remove the blanket over the items on the table. Stack the dominoes into a small tower. Maybe you know someone who feels sad, sorrowful, or disappointed. Maybe they feel like they’ve failed. Knock the tower down. 

Stack the blocks slowly as you speak until the tower is restored. Just like these dominoes that were knocked down, God can ask us to build and lift others up again. He could call you to listen to them or pray for them. He could call you to encourage them or share a Bible verse about His love. If you would be willing to answer God’s call to bring His message to encourage and lift up someone, stand and shout, “Here I am, send me!” Children respond.

2. Hold up the life jacket, ring, or rope. God may also ask us to bring the Gospel message to someone who needs hope. Isaiah brought hope to the troubled king Hezekiah when things looked the darkest. We all need to know that there is hope in God when things seem hopeless. People who are discouraged need to hear that God loves them no matter how bad things are, and nothing is impossible for Him. If you would be willing to answer God’s call to share His message of hope and salvation, stand and shout, “Here I am, send me!” Children respond.

3. Hold up the flashlight. Isaiah shared God’s truth even when it was difficult. Today, God is looking for people who will stand up and not only speak but also live according to the truth—His Word. Jesus calls us to be a light in the darkness—to live as He did and be an example to others. (See Acts 26:18.) Chris’s mom said that seeing him grow in his faith made her miss her own relationship with Jesus. If you would be willing to live by God’s Word and let your light shine, stand and shout, “Here I am, send me!” Children respond.

How can we know what someone needs at any given time? How do we know what to say and where to go? Children respond.

The Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us. He will give us the words to speak.

Read Matthew 10:20:

“For it is not you who will be speaking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”

Optional: When God called Moses, he said he wasn’t good with words. In Exodus 4:12, God told him: 

“Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.”

God wants us to trust Him, to answer His call, and to be His messengers. When we do, He will equip us with all we need.

Let’s move to our Discipleship Challenge to apply this truth in a practical way.

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Give each child an Isaiah Send Me Gizmo Craft, children’s scissors, four brass roundhead paper fasteners, and a pencil. Have children carefully cut out all the pieces on the page. Next, if you have not pre-punched the holes in the pieces, demonstrate how to do this carefully. Now, demonstrate how to assemble the neck extensions in the proper order and how to install the brass fasteners. Display the model you made before class and assist the children as necessary to complete their craft. Suggestion: Have children lay out the neck extensions in the proper order on the table. This way, you can do a quick check before they are fastened together.

Use the model craft as you explain the challenge.

Let’s check out what Gizmo looks like with his telescoping neck extended. To do this, hold Gizmo’s body with one hand and carefully pull up his head with your other hand. If it doesn’t pull up easily, check the back to see if a piece is caught or jammed, then adjust the piece and try again. Now, let’s carefully lower Gizmo’s neck behind his body again. That’s very cool, don’t you think?

Why did Gizmo use his telescoping neck to lift his head two times in our Superbook adventure? To discover that Superbook had taken the children to Jerusalem; to spy on the Assyrian army camp.

He used it to discover things that Chris and Joy couldn’t see with their own eyes. We don’t have a telescoping neck that allows us to see things we normally couldn’t; however, we learned in today’s teaching that God equips us in a much better way to see and know things. Do you remember how? He gives us the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit can lead us to people who need to hear about God and His love! Even when we have no clue, the Holy Spirit searches deep inside and knows the needs of everyone! Did you notice that Gizmo’s hand is up as if to say, “Here I am, send me!”

For each lesson, you will pull up one section of Gizmo’s neck to see the challenge for that lesson. Let’s carefully pull up the first section now to see Challenge #1. Would someone please read what it says? See God Almighty—Isaiah 6:1b

In Isaiah’s vision, God revealed His glory and splendor. Isaiah saw God’s mighty power, and He was beyond compare! The first challenge is to spend time with God each day, praising Him and worshiping Him. Isaiah saw Him high and lifted up. We want to lift Him high on our praises! When we do, we come to know Him and trust Him more. This will build our faith. And faith prepares us to answer God’s call—no matter what He asks us to do!

The second part of the challenge is to look up and memorize Isaiah 6:1:

I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of His robe filled the Temple.

We will discuss how this challenge went for you the next time we meet.