Leader Guide

Sending Game

  • Isaiah Message Cards
  • Cardstock—one sheet for every team of two to four children
  • Sealable sandwich bags—one per set of eight cards
  • Scissors
  • One plastic or disposable cup for each team
  • One craft stick per team
  • Two round balloons per team
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk

You will need a minimum of two teams of two to four children to play this game. Teams must be added in even sets (two teams, four teams, six teams of two to four children). One child may need to play additional times to even a team.

Make a copy of one Isaiah Message Card on cardstock for each team of two to four children, plus an extra copy of two sets in case you have visitors.

Carefully cut apart the eight individual cards from Set #1, shuffle them, and place them in a sealable sandwich bag.

Repeat this for each additional set of cards—be careful not to mix sets.

Blow up the balloons and tie them closed.

Write at the top of the board:

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

Near the bottom of the board, write:

1. Bounce a balloon with one hand walking sideways.

2. Take a step forward, turn around, take a step backward, repeat.

3. Balance a cup on your head with no hands.

4. Balance a balloon on a craft stick.

Send Me! Play a game to take God’s Message to others.

God had an important message to be delivered to His people. They had turned away from Him, and God wanted them to return to Him. Whom could He send? Who would answer the call and faithfully take His message, even if it wasn’t something the people wanted to hear? Let’s read today’s SuperVerse together on the board. Isaiah 6:8:

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” 

In this game, you will have the opportunity to be sent to deliver a message to others. Are you ready to answer the call and be sent? Children respond.

Divide children into teams of two to four children. Try to mix older and younger children in each team. Select an older child to be the captain of each team. There must be an even number of teams—adjust team size and add teams as necessary. Give each team a set of cards, a plastic or disposable cup, two inflated balloons, and a craft stick. Have the teams sit opposite one another, about 15–20 feet away if possible. Leave several feet between teams to the right and left.

In this game, each team will deliver a message to another team. Teams all play at the same time, one player at a time. Each messenger will carry a card to the team opposite them—but first, messengers must look at the board to find the challenge they will overcome as they deliver their message. The challenges must be done in that order. Once all four are done, start the list over again. The team captain will need to monitor this.

If a balloon or cup falls to the ground, the messenger must stop, pick it up, and continue from that point. Remember, it isn’t always easy to deliver God’s message! Once a messenger reaches the other team, give them the card, and that team will place it face down on the ground without reading the word on the card. The messenger will then walk back doing the same challenge.

When all cards are delivered, I will say, “Ready to read your message? GO!” Teams will try to figure out the message and assemble it in order, then stand up and shout, “Send Me!” We will continue the game until all the messages are assembled correctly.

Have each team read their message and discuss why it would be encouraging for others to receive it.

Conclusion: Great job delivering your messages and overcoming the challenges and difficulties you encountered along the way. Which challenges did you think were most difficult? Children respond.

What are some real challenges we may face when delivering God’s Word? Rejection, mocking, misunderstanding, being made fun of, unbelief, taking offense, fear.

Just like in this game, we will all face different challenges at different times. God wants to speak through us to others, and He is looking for faithful messengers to send. Each day, we should tell God, “Here I am, send me!”

Message Key:

1. God is faithful even when we are unfaithful.

2. Jesus forgives us and sets us free from sin.

3. God loves you no matter what you do.

4. Believe in Jesus, and you will be saved.