Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Small whiteboard
  • Black permanent marker
  • Red dry-erase marker
  • Dark dry-erase marker
  • Eraser or cloth
  • Optional: whiteboard cleaner bottle or wipes
  • See Isaiah Erasing Sin Illustration

Use the black permanent marker to draw a thick black line from the top to the bottom of the small whiteboard, as shown in the illustration.
With any dry-erase marker color, write GOD on the right side in big letters, a few inches from the thick black line. Talk about how He is holy and perfect.
With a dark dry-erase marker, write PEOPLE on the left side in big letters, a few inches from the thick black line. Discuss how everyone has sinned, no matter how hard we try to be good.
Hold up the board and point to the thick black line between God and People. Talk about how we are separated from God by our sin, and we cannot enter God’s holy presence—today in this life, or up in heaven forever.
Attempt to remove the thick black line with the eraser, but do not rub overly hard. Explain that no matter how much we try, we cannot enter God’s presence in our own goodness and strength.
Optional: Try removing the thick black line with whiteboard cleaner.

Erasing Sin: Jesus cleanses us.

Is the sin barrier gone? No, it is still there.

Using the red dry-erase marker, color over the thick black line, completely covering it from top to bottom as you speak. Jesus suffered and died for us. This red marker represents His blood that He shed on the cross, paying the full punishment for our sins. Because of Jesus, our sins are forgiven and completely removed.

Now use the eraser or cloth to wipe over the thick line (now covered in red), completely removing it.

Only Jesus can remove our sin so that we can return to God. When we trust Him as our Lord and Savior, we can enter His holy presence. He lives in our hearts today, giving us peace and hope and joy. And someday, He will take us to heaven, where we will live with Him forever!

Pray: Lord Jesus, You are perfect and have never sinned—not even once. We are weak and sinful, and we deserve to be punished for our sins. Yet You willingly chose to pay the price for our sins by dying on the cross. We are so grateful to You, Jesus. You are our Lord and Savior, and we praise You! In Your name, we pray. Amen.