Leader Guide

Screenshot Review

Make one copy of each page of the two Isaiah Screenshot Review pages.
Cut out the ten individual cards.
Shuffle the cards and place them in the bag.

Picture This: Children discuss images from the Bible story.

Raise your hands if you collect or have ever collected trading cards of some type. Children respond. In this activity, we are going to discuss the Bible story about Isaiah in a fun way using the Bible Story Cards in this bag.

Have a child pull a card from the bag and show it to the class. Ask the child if he/she knows who the character is and something about him or what is happening in the scene. Then, have everyone discuss the picture. If a child isn’t comfortable answering aloud, allow the child to come to you and whisper an answer. If the player doesn’t know the answer, thank him/her for selecting the card and open the discussion to the other children.

Card Key

1. Isaiah’s vision outside the Temple.

2. The Seraphim and God’s throne.

3. Isaiah prostrate before God, feeling unclean and guilty in God’s presence. 

4. The burning coal to cleanse Isaiah.

5. Isaiah’s response to God—Send me!

6. King Sennacherib’s messenger (Rabshakeh) threatening God’s people.

7. King Sennacherib, the Assyrian King.

8. King Hezekiah praying for God’s help after receiving Sennacherib’s letter.

9. The Assyrian army camp.

10. God’s “death” angel going through the enemy camp.