Leader Guide

Review Game

  • Two paper plates
  • Marker
  • Twelve empty water bottles or pop (soda) cans
  • Optional: masking tape or painter's tape
  • Four tennis balls, racquetballs, or other small rubber balls
  • Optional: table
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App
  • See Isaiah Review Game Illustration

Place a line or mark on the floor about 15 feet from a wall or from a table turned on its side.
Make two triangle shapes with six bottles each at opposite ends of the line—similar to an arrangement of bowling pins.
Write TRUE on the front of two plates and FALSE on the backs of the plates.

Bounce Back Review: Play a game to review the lessons about Isaiah.

Raise your hand if you were here for the previous lesson when we talked about returning to God. Children respond.

What is another word we can use for returning or turning back to God? Repentance, repenting, repent.

Demonstrate as you explain the game. The name of this game is “Bounce Back Review.” You will answer true/false questions about the Bible story of Isaiah and King Hezekiah by turning a plate toward me with your answer. You'll score five points for each correct answer. Then you will roll balls to hit the wall and bounce back to knock over pins, similar to bowling. You'll score one point for each pin knocked over. If a player knocks over all six pins, the team will score ten points. That’s how we roll today!

Divide the class into two teams. They do not need to be equal.
Have a player from each team stand behind the mark. Give each player a plate.
Ask the same review question from the list to both players. Feel free to add your own questions.
Players will answer the question by choosing which side of the plate to show you—either True or False.
Five points are scored for a correct answer; no points are scored for an incorrect answer.
Ask the teams to tell you the correct answer for any false question.
Players are then given two balls each to roll to the wall and bounce back to knock over their team’s set of bottles.
The two players then “re-set” the bottles for the next player.
The next two players take a turn.
The team with the most points wins.

Questions and Answers

1. T/F: The seraphim had ten wings each. (False—six wings)

2. T/F: One of the seraphim put hot cocoa on Isaiah’s lips to cleanse him. (False—a hot coal)

3. T/F: Isaiah was a prophet of God who predicted what would happen in the future. (True)

4. T/F: God sent Isaiah to congratulate the Israelites for their obedience. (False—to tell them to return to Him/ to repent)

5. T/F: Isaiah stood the entire time during his vision at the temple. (False—he bowed and laid prostrate/face down)

6. T/F: The seraphim praised God saying, “Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.” (False—Holy, holy, holy)

7. T/F: Isaiah refused God’s call and asked Him to send someone else. (False—he said, "Send me")

8. T/F: King Hezekiah followed God’s orders to join armies with the Egyptians. (False—he acted on his own)

9. T/F: The Assyrians were afraid of God’s people. (False—they felt superior or invincible)

10. T/F: King Sennacherib sent his messengers to congratulate King Hezekiah and the people for trusting in God. (False—to intimidate and mock them)

11. T/F: King Hezekiah’s leaders tore their clothes and cried out after talking with the Assyrian messengers. (True) 

12. T/F: King Hezekiah’s men stood atop the walls of Jerusalem pointing slingshots at the Assyrian army. (False—bows and arrows)

13. T/F: King Hezekiah refused to pray to God and ask for help. (False—he prayed and trusted in God for help)

14. T/F: King Sennacherib called King Hezekiah on the phone. (False—he wrote a letter)

15. T/F: Isaiah was always afraid to speak the truth. (False—he spoke God’s truth, even when others didn’t want to listen)

16. T/F: God sent a plague of frogs to attack the enemy’s camp. (False—an angel)

17. T/F: 180,000 Assyrian soldiers died in the camp when God sent His angel. (True)

18. T/F: Today’s SuperTruth says to trust in ourselves above anyone else. (False—in God alone)

19. T/F: Today’s SuperVerse says that we will walk backwards and faint. (False—walk and not faint)

20. T/F: Today’s SuperVerse says that when we trust the Lord, we will soar like doves. (False—eagles)