Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Isaiah Label Pages
  • Tape
  • Five boxes, similar to shoebox size, or large cardboard building blocks
  • One box that is much larger than the other five boxes, similar to a moving box
  • Table
  • Scissors
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Make one copy of the Isaiah Label Pages.
Cut out the five individual labels on the Label Page.
Tape one label on each of the five smaller boxes.
Tape the “GOD” label from the large Label Page on the large box.
Place the five small boxes on the table with labels hidden.
Place the large box out of sight, if possible, or on the floor behind the table with the label hidden.
On the board, write Isaiah 6:1 (NKJV):
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.

High and Lifted Up: Discuss how God is above all.

Let’s read the verse on the board together:

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.

King Uzziah was, for the most part, a godly king over God’s people. In the later years of his reign, he was not as obedient. 2 Kings 15:3 says:

He did what was pleasing in the LORD’s sight, just as his father, Amaziah, had done.

After many years of military success and prosperity, the king was dead and the Assyrians were rising to power.

Begin to stack the smaller boxes starting with the small “GOD BOX." Turn it around, so the label is visible.

Let’s say things are going smoothly for the most part. It is easy to see God in our lives, and we have a lot to be thankful for. But then something unexpected and not so good happens.

Put the “RELATIONSHIP BOX” on top of the “GOD BOX.”

Let’s say your best friend moves away or changes schools, or you have a misunderstanding or disagreement, and the relationship is broken.

Place the “DISAPPOINTMENT BOX” on the stack.

Let’s say you are dealing with a big disappointment. Maybe you were injured in a game and can’t play the rest of the season, you failed a test, or weren’t chosen for something you tried out for.

Place the “PERSECUTION/SUFFERING BOX” on the stack.

Let’s say you were teased, rejected, or laughed at for your faith at school. Maybe you were mistreated, picked on, or even bullied because of it.

Place the “HARDSHIP BOX” on the stack.

Now, someone in your family is dealing with an illness or disease, or a close friend or relative has passed away. Maybe a parent has lost a job, and the family is having trouble financially, which creates stress and hardship. What position is God now? Is He on top? No, He is on the bottom.

Sometimes, in our lives, difficult things may begin to pile up and consume our thoughts and time. We can allow them to grow bigger and bigger and see God as smaller and smaller.

There were a lot of things happening around Isaiah when God gave him his vision. He needed to see God for who He is. God’s robe and glory filled the room; He was “high and lifted up.” Kings came and went, nations rose and fell, but God was still above all on His throne. Isaiah needed to see God this way before he faced the people and brought an unpopular message to repent and turn to God. He also needed to see that God is much more powerful than an enemy army.

Point to the boxes. Things can easily get out of whack when we focus on situations instead of God Almighty.

Remove the small "GOD BOX" and leave the others stacked. Pick up the large “GOD BOX” and turn the “GOD LABEL” so it is visible. Use the box to knock over the stack of small boxes and cover them up by resting the large box on top of them.

There, that’s better! Where is God now, compared to the problems and situations we may face? He is above them; He is on top of them.

The more we gaze at God and see Him in His power and glory, the more our problems and situations will fade and shrink. He is on a lofty throne above everyone and everything!

We cannot let any situation become bigger than God and pull Him down in our minds. Instead, we must see Him in all His glory and power and allow Him to pull us up! Then, we can be strengthened and refreshed, so we can run and not faint—so we can SOAR!

How do you see God; is He high and lifted up, or is He low and pressed down? I challenge you, and I challenge myself each morning to get a fresh glimpse of God on His throne, high and lifted up above everyone and everything—above every problem, every situation, and every fear. Point to “GOD BOX.”

When things come crashing down and start to overwhelm us, it’s time to pray and restore God to His position on top, not below. King Hezekiah laid the Assyrian king’s letter before God with the threats and demands. He looked toward heaven and put his trust in God alone.

In Isaiah 66:1, God said through Isaiah:

“Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool.”

That’s an awesome picture to see, isn’t it? Focus on the Lord, not the problem. God is bigger and above all. There is nothing He won’t do to move heaven and earth to accomplish His plan and to help us.