Leader Guide

Maze Activity

Make copies of the Isaiah Tunnel Maze—one per child, plus extras.

Tunnel Vision: Trace two paths to connect in the middle.

Raise your hand if you were here for the previous lesson when we played a game about Hezekiah’s tunnel. King Hezekiah made preparations for the threatened attack of the enemy. He strengthened some parts of Jerusalem’s walls and built some new walls. (See 2 Chronicles 32:1–5.)

To prevent the enemy from cutting off the water supply, King Hezekiah ordered that a tunnel be built underground, so water could still flow from the spring to the city. He also stopped up the spring above ground so the enemy would have no water to drink. That is what this maze is about. You are going to connect a water tunnel from one end of the city to the other.

Give each child a Tunnel Maze and a pencil. Explain how they must choose from the bottom and top of the Maze and connect the two lines in the middle meeting “spot.” As the children work, lead a discussion using the content below.

King Hezekiah was a good king who loved the Lord. However, that doesn’t mean he never made mistakes. Can you name a mistake that the king made? He joined forces/ made an agreement with Egypt to fight against the Assyrians.

God had not directed King Hezekiah to do this! Instead of joining forces with Egypt, what did God want the Israelites to do? Trust in Him alone to protect them against the Assyrian army.

That is what our SuperTruth tells us. Let’s say it together: “I will trust in God alone.”

Imagine looking out from your house and seeing a huge army waiting to attack you; that would be a fearful sight! However, even when we can see no way out, God wants us to trust Him.

Optional: Read 1 Chronicles 32:2–4:

2When Hezekiah realized that Sennacherib also intended to attack Jerusalem,  3he consulted with his officials and military advisers, and they decided to stop the flow of the springs outside the city.  4They organized a huge work crew to stop the flow of the springs, cutting off the brook that ran through the fields. For they said, “Why should the kings of Assyria come here and find plenty of water?”

Optional: Read 2 Kings 20:20:

The rest of the events in Hezekiah’s reign, including the extent of his power and how he built a pool and dug a tunnel to bring water into the city, are recorded in The Book of the History of the Kings of Judah.

When the children finish, compare the tunnels and congratulate them for their accurate and diligent digging!

Conclusion: Though we try to trust in the Lord at all times, we may become impatient or fearful. We may be tempted to panic and decide to take matters into our own hands! But instead, always remember that God wants us to trust in Him.