Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board as written below:

1. “Anyone who wants to serve Me
2. Must follow Me,
3. Because My servants must be where I am.”
John 12:26

Superbook Follow: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

Stand at the board. We are going to say the SuperVerse in three parts. Walk several feet away from the board, but where it is still visible to the children. Ask the children to stand up and follow you.

Let’s say Line #1 together: “Anyone who wants to serve Me.”

Now, begin to move to another side of the room where the board is still visible and invite the children to follow you. Let’s say Line #2 together: “Must follow Me.”

As we learned in our teaching, following Jesus means to love, show mercy, forgive, and even endure persecution, trials, and suffering as you live in obedience to God. Just like you followed me wherever I led you, we must learn to listen and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit wherever He leads. The Holy Spirit not only leads us but also gives us the strength to follow Him!

Move to another part of the room where the board is visible, and invite the children to follow. Let’s say Line #3 together: “Because My servants must be where I am.”

In the last part of John 12:26, Jesus is speaking of the future reward we will receive when we serve and obediently follow Him. Jesus is in heaven, and we will be able to live with Him when we complete our journey on the earth. It will not always be easy to follow Jesus. There will be ups and downs, joy and suffering. But we can be sure of His presence with us here and in heaven. 

Revelation 3:21 says:

“Those who are victorious will sit with Me on My throne, just as I was victorious and sat with My Father on His throne.”

Let’s say the entire SuperVerse aloud together:

“Anyone who wants to serve Me must follow Me, because My servants must be where I am.” John 12:26.