Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Pencil sharpener—electric or manual
  • Pencil with a dull tip
  • Table
  • Optional: knife sharpening rod or steel

Place all of the items on the table.     

Dull or Sharp? Present an object lesson based on Proverbs 27:17 and Hebrews 11:24.

Raise your hand if you remember in the Superbook adventure when Chris, Ellie, and Peter were talking around the campfire? Children respond.

They were discussing friendships. Peter quoted a Bible verse from Proverbs 27:17:

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

If you have a sharpening rod or steel, display it now. It is not recommended to use a knife around children. You may have seen a chef or your parents in the kitchen rub both sides of a knife blade quickly over a metal rod. This sharpens and straightens the knife blade so that it gives you a sharper cut.

The Bible verse compares this to how we can sharpen or make each other better and more effective as we follow Christ.

Hold up the dull pencil. This pencil used to have a sharp point. But, after some use, the point has become dull.

Sometimes, as followers of Christ, we can become dull like this pencil. The original excitement of serving can begin to fade, and we can become spiritually lazy. Instead of thinking about serving others, we begin to selfishly think about our own needs and wants.

Hold up the pencil sharpener. Place the pencil into the sharpener and sharpen it. Show the pencil to the children. Now, this is sharp again! You can write much neater and clearer with it now.

Hold up the pencil. Like this pencil, we can go from dull to sharp, full of passion and fire for the Lord. As followers of Christ, we must regularly pray, read God’s Word, and continue to look for ways to serve Christ by serving others. In doing so, we can remain sharp and effective for God’s kingdom to increase!