Leader Guide

Active Game

  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with a second hand, or timer app
  • About thirty to forty glue sticks, markers, highlighters, and/or dry erase markers, which must be large-body or broad-tip markers that will stand upright on a table. Fine-tip or mini markers will not work for this game, but a mix of glue sticks and markers is ideal.
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Two tables

For larger classes, add tables and markers so more children can play at the same time. Write the SuperVerse on the board if not already there: Colossians 2:12:

For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.

Verify that the marker and glue stick lids are tightly closed.
Lay twenty markers or glue sticks in a pile on each table.

Standing Invitation: Play a game to illustrate the concept of raising something up.

Let’s say today’s SuperVerse together: Colossians 2:12:

For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.

Only God has the power to raise to life someone who is dead. He has the power to raise us to new life when we are spiritually dead in our sins, as well as the power to raise someone who is physically dead. Who did God raise from the dead? His Son, Jesus.

How and why did Jesus die? He died on the cross; He was crucified. He died to save us from our sins and to give us new life.

Because Jesus died and was raised to life, we can be, too—when we trust in His power! Now, let’s play a game based on raising things up!

Divide the children into two teams—each team a mix of girls, boys, and different ages. One child may need to play twice if you have an uneven number of children. Have each team stand a few feet away from its designated table.

As you explain the game, stand a few markers and/or glue sticks on their ends, so they are vertical. One player from each team will play at the same time. Players will raise up as many markers as possible in fifteen seconds using only one hand to make them stand up on their ends. One point is scored for each marker standing when time runs out. If you accidentally bump the table or knock down markers that were once standing, you must raise them up again for them to count! 

Once the score is recorded, the markers are laid down again, and the next two players take their turn. The scores are recorded on the board for each player and added to the team total. The game continues this way until all players have taken a turn.

Now, it’s time for Round Two! Demonstrate making fists with both hands and using only your thumbs to make the markers stand up. In the second round, players can only use their thumbs to raise up the markers. Does that sound like a fun challenge? Let’s play! 

Record the scores for this round and then add the scores from round one for a grand total. The team with the most points after two rounds wins!

Conclusion: Which round was more of a challenge for you? Children answer. Which round did you like better—Round One or Two? Children answer.

Round Two was more difficult, but was it impossible? NO!

God created us and gave us the ability to do many things. However, it is impossible for us to remove our sins and raise ourselves to new life. Only God can do that for us! When we trust in His power, we receive a brand-new life here on earth and up in heaven with Him forever! It is only by the mighty power of God in Christ that we can stand!