Leader Guide

Relay Game

  • Baptized! Teams Sign
  • Two strong circular or square craft/hobby magnets
  • Metal paper clips of various sizes and, if possible, colors (approximately 300-400) or a combination of clips and small metal washers
  • Two shoe box lids or other shallow box lids (copier paper box lids) or metal cookie sheets        
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with a second hand, or timer app       

Tape a Team Sign on the inside of each box lid so it can be seen from above. 

Place the box lids on the floor near one end of the room with several feet between them.

Boatloads of People! Play a game to bring others to Jesus.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “Jesus calls us to bring others to Him.”

After the disciples pulled in the miracle catch of fish, Jesus told His disciples that He would teach them to become fishers of people.

Hold up a paper clip and a magnet. In this game, you will go fishing for people represented by these paper clips. How do you catch them? I am glad you asked! You will catch people with a magnet. Why a magnet? When we live our lives as Christ did, we will “attract” people to Him! The paper clips will be scattered around the playing area. One player from each team will play at the same time. You will have ten seconds to gather as many clips as you can using only your magnet. You cannot use your free hand to pick up or hold your “catch” on the magnet. When time expires, you will come to your team’s “boat” and drop your “catch” into the box. Then you will take your magnet to the next player on your team. The next players will begin at the same time to fish for ten seconds.

  • Have some older children help you scatter paper clips around the playing area of the room. Make the area as large as possible. Lay out about 100 paper clips on the floor to begin and periodically add more as the game progresses. Children who have not yet taken a turn can help do this.
  • Divide the class into two equal teams of mixed ages; one player may need to play twice.
  • Have each team stand behind the line or mark.
  • One player from each team will “fish” at the same time.
  • Play continues this way until all the players have taken a turn.
  • Have four 5th–6th graders help you count the “catch” in each “boat.”
  • The team with the largest “catch” wins.
  • Play another round if time allows.
  • Optional Play: Place some chairs or other obstacles around the playing area and put “fish” under them for a more interesting challenge.

Conclusion: Great fishing! As followers of Christ, our mission is to bring others to Jesus so they, too, can become His followers. We are never alone. When Jesus sent His disciples out with the Great Commission, the verse that follows in Matthew 28:20 says:

“And be sure of this; I am with you always.”

Just as Jesus directed the disciples where to drop their nets, the Holy Spirit will guide us to find people who will answer His call.