Leader Guide

Review Game

  • Baptized! True and False Review page
  • One large blue bath towel, rug, bedsheet, or tablecloth 
  • Six coins, erasers, or small plastic checker game pieces to represent “pebbles”
  • Small bowl to hold the “pebbles”
  • Two paper plates
  • Marker
  • Leader or sixth-grade helper to keep score
  • Leader or sixth-grade helper to gather “pebbles” after each turn
  • Optional: masking tape or painter's tape
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App

Print a copy of the Baptized! True and False Review page.
Place the blue towel on the floor a few feet from a wall.
Make a mark or tape a line about 10–12 feet from the towel.
Put all the “pebbles” (coins, erasers, or checker game pieces) in the bowl and place it in the middle of the line.
On each paper plate, write a “T” on one side and an “F” on the other with the marker.
Practice the game so you can show the children how to play.
Be sure that the two players (one on each team) are done throwing their three “pebbles” before a leader or sixth-grade helper picks them up after each turn.

Skipping Review: Play a game to review the Bible story.

Peter and some of the other disciples were professional fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. Point to the blue towel. Here is our own Sea of Galilee.

We will divide into two teams. A player from each team will answer true or false questions about the Bible story in our Superbook adventure. Hold up the plates and demonstrate. 

When it’s your turn, if the answer is True, hold up the plate and show me the side that says “T” for True. If the answer is False, show me the side that says “F” for False. Your team gets five points for each correct answer. But even if your answer is incorrect, you can still win points for your team!

Raise your hand if you have ever skipped pebbles or stones on a lake or pond. Children respond. Demonstrate as you explain the game. 

You will each get three chances to skip a pretend pebble (coin, eraser, or checker piece) on the floor, so it lands on our Sea of Galilee. Your “pebble” must skip at least one time before it rests in the sea. A point is scored for each “pebble” that lands and stays in the “sea.” After both players on the teams have had three turns “skipping pebbles,” quickly gather them up for the next player on your team!

Divide the class into two teams. They do not need to be equal.
Have a player from each team stand behind the mark and give each player a plate.
Ask the same review question from the list to both players. You may give easier questions to younger children or visitors. Feel free to add your own questions.
Players answer the question by choosing which side of the plate to show you—either True or False.
Five points are scored for a correct answer; no points for an incorrect answer.
Ask the teams to tell you the correct answer for any false question.
Have a leader or sixth-grade helper keep a running tally of the teams’ scores.
Players then take three “pebbles” and skip them one at a time toward the “sea” for points. Be sure that the players are done throwing their “pebbles” before a leader or sixth-grade helper picks them up after each turn.
The next two players take a turn.
The team with the most points wins.

Question/Answer Page:

1. T/F: Jesus told His followers to go and make disciples of all nations. This is called the Great Addition. (False—The Great Commission) 

2. T/F: One day, Jesus preached from Peter’s fishing boat on the Red Sea. (False—Sea of Galilee) 

3. T/F: Jesus chose ten disciples. (False—twelve)

 4. T/F: Large crowds of people often gathered to hear Jesus preach. (True) 

5. T/F: Jesus asked Judas Iscariot to push the boat deeper into the water. (False—Simon Peter) 

6. T/F: Simon Peter refused to obey Jesus and go deeper out into the Sea of Galilee. (False—he obeyed) 

7. T/F: The disciples had fished all night and caught nothing before Jesus got into their boat. (True) 

8. T/F: At Jesus’ command, the disciples caught a lot of fish with their fishing poles. (False—in their nets.) 

9. T/F: After the fish were caught, Peter fell to his knees and said he was a sinful man. (True) 

10. T/F: Jesus told the men that He would teach them to fish for tuna. (False—people) 

11. T/F: When the disciples began to follow Jesus, they brought everything with them. (False—they left everything) 

12. T/F: Philip brought Matthew to meet Jesus. (False—Nathanael) 

13. T/F: Jesus first saw Nathanael sitting under an umbrella. (False—under a fig tree) 

14. T/F: Jesus saw Nathanael before Philip introduced him to Jesus. (True) 

15. T/F: The people came to hear Jesus teach and to be healed of all their diseases. (True) 

16. T/F: We are raised to an old life with Christ when we are baptized. (False—a new life) 

17. T/F: Baptism represents how we die to sin and are raised to new life. (True) 

18. T/F: The Bible tells us that a friend can sharpen a friend. (True) 

19. T/F: Today’s SuperTruth says that Jesus calls us to bring others to Him. (True) 

20. T/F: Today’s SuperVerse says to make disciples in the biggest nations in the world. (False—all nations)