Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board. Luke 14:23:

His master then told him, “Go out along the back roads and fence rows and make people come in, so that my house will be full.”

As we discussed in the Teaching Time, these people represented the Gentile people or non-Jews. Since they would never expect to receive an invitation to a Jewish feast, they would be unlikely to believe the invitation was really for them. That is why the master said to MAKE or persuade them to come.

However, this does not mean that the people must come against their own will. God never forces anyone to accept His invitation. However, the Holy Spirit will gently draw and pursue individuals because God wants His spiritual kingdom to be full of people!

The master sent his servants to find replacements to fill the banquet. In this game, you are going to find replacements for the incorrect words in today’s SuperVerse.

Superbook in Motion. Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

Let’s say today’s SuperVerse together. Luke 14:23:

His master then told him, “Go out along the back roads and fence rows and make people come in, so that my house will be full.”

Have the children lower and/or cover their eyes so they cannot see the board. Using the list below, change one word of the SuperVerse on the board at a time to alter the meaning of the verse, then have the children look at the board and raise their hands to tell you what word should be replaced (you may vary the order of the list). Write in the correct word, then repeat the process. 

  • Change “master” to “neighbor.”
  • Change “out” to “in.”
  • Change “roads” to “yard.”
  • Change “fence” to “corn.”
  • Change “people” to “rich people.”
  • Change “house” to “garage.”
  • Change “full” to “empty.”
  • Change “Luke” to “John.”

Conclusion: Does this look correct to you now? Children respond. 

Yes, I agree, this looks much better! God wants His house to be full and He sends us out to take His invitation to all people.