Leader Guide

Decorating Activity

  • Cookie Page
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers
  • Small stickers in various shapes such as circles, hearts, or foil star stickers in assorted colors
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk

Make copies of the Cookie Page, one per child plus extras.

Give a Cookie Page to each child, along with crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share. Give several stickers of each type to share between 3 or 4 children. Instruct the children to decorate their cookies with different colors to represent different flavors of icing and then add stickers to customize their creations.

Smile, then sniff your own Cookie Page. Mmmm! These cookies smell good! The smell of something baking in the oven is one of my favorite things! But be careful, these cookies are fresh from the oven so they may be too warm to touch! Joy and Gizmo had a lot of fun baking treats for the fundraiser. In this activity, you will be decorating your own batch of cookies, fresh out of the oven—well, out of the copier!

As the children decorate, lead a discussion using the questions below as children color their pages.

  1. Have you ever baked and decorated cookies or cupcakes? If so, was it just for fun or for a holiday or special occasion? Children respond.     
  2. Have you ever participated in a bake sale for a special cause? If so, what was the fundraiser for? Children explain. 
  3. What were the Superbook children raising money for? A church mission trip.
  4. What disaster happened with Gizmo and the cupcake frosting machine? It malfunctioned and sprayed frosting/icing all over Chris and Joy.
  5. Why did Jolie, Joy’s friend, feel left out? Joy was always too busy with church activities to spend time with her. 
  6. Do you remember why Jolie was unable to go to the church youth group activities with Joy? She spent the weekends with her father who lived out of town.
  7. Have you ever had a similar experience to Joy’s and realized that you were spending most of your time with church friends and very little time with others? Please explain. Children respond. 

Allow the children to share their creations describe the flavors of icing they chose.

Conclusion: Nice work decorating your cookies! Jesus traveled everywhere with His disciples; yet, He always made time for others. Jesus came into the world to invite everyone to follow Him.