Leader Guide


  • Padlock and key (matching set)
  • Three other keys of any shape and size; must not fit the lock
  • Key Page
  • Cardstock––one sheet
  • Pencil
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Scissors
  • Table
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Discipleship Challenge materials:

  • Disciple Card for children who missed Lesson 1
  • Sample craft made in Lesson 1

Make one copy of the Key Page on cardstock.

Cut apart the four individual cards.

On the ADMIT card, loosely tape the key (so it comes off easily during the presentation) that matches the lock. Do not cover the word.

Loosely tape a key (any remaining key) next to the word/s on each of the remaining three cards.

Using the pencil, write the number from the front of each card (1-4) on the back of each card.

Lock or close the padlock.     

Arrange the four cards face down in order (1-4) on the table.

Make copies of the Discipleship Challenge materials for children who missed Lesson 1; see Lesson 1 for details.

Just Admit it! Discuss everyone's need for Jesus

In the game we just played, the “ME” tower was taller at first than the tower that represented Jesus. This represented the Pharisees and anyone who believes they are righteous on their own. This is referred to as being self-righteous. They did not believe they were sinners and so they saw no need for Jesus to forgive and save them.

Hold up the closed padlock. Let’s say this lock represents righteousness or being in a right relationship with God.

Study the lock for a moment and pull on the curved arm to try open it. Hmmm, now I wonder what I need to open this; any ideas? You need a key.

Yes; we need a key! Will just any key work? No, you need the right key for that lock.

So, if we want to be righteous or right with God, we need the right key to unlock or receive it. There are many different reasons people believe they are righteous or in other words, right with God. Let’s take a look at some of them. 

Note: If you need to save time, don’t use volunteers in the presentation. 

Choose a volunteer to read Card #1: GOOD DEEDS.

The Pharisees believed all the good things they did were the key to righteousness with God. They kept the Ten Commandments and the rest of Moses’s Law. They tithed and gave offerings in the Temple. They fasted and prayed. They also prayed long, loud prayers so everyone would notice and hear. They thought good deeds made them right with God. Many people today believe they are basically good. They think that doing good deeds makes them right with God, or righteous. Raise your hand if you think this is the correct key to pleasing God and being right in His eyes. Children respond.   

Remove the key from Card #1 and have the child insert it into the lock and try to open it.

No, that didn’t open it. We definitely need to do good deeds, but they aren’t the key to righteousness.   

Choose a volunteer to read Card #2: CHURCH.

Some people believe going to church every Sunday makes them right in God’s eyes. Raise your hand if you think going to church is the key to pleasing God and being right with God. Children respond.

Remove the key from Card #2 and have the child insert it into the lock and try to open it.

That didn’t work either. Going to church is very important, and it certainly pleases God. However, perfect attendance in church is not the key to being right with God.  

Choose a volunteer to read Card #3: BIBLE.

The Bible is God’s Word. In the Bible, we read how God created everything. We learn about Jesus’ birth and how He died for us on the cross so we can receive eternal life. There are books and letters written by men of God that contain instruction and wisdom for us to help us live and serve God. It is important to read and to memorize God’s Word so it penetrates deep in our hearts to help us resist temptation and stay on God’s path. Raise your hand if you think reading your Bible and memorizing verses is the key to being right in God’s His eyes. Children respond.   

Remove the key from Card #3 and have the child insert it into the lock and try to open it.

Reading the Bible is essential to growing as a Christian, and it certainly pleases God when we study the Bible. However, it is not the key that unlocks righteousness. 

Choose a volunteer to read Card #4: ADMIT.

Admit means to acknowledge, agree or confess that something is true. Now, think about the video you watched today and what we have been talking about. What is something God would like everyone to admit? That we have sinned. That we are sinners and need Jesus.

Raise your hand if you think admitting or confessing our sin and our need for Jesus to save us is the key to true righteousness in God’s eyes. Children respond.  

Remove the key from Card #4 and have the child insert it into the lock and open it.

Look at that! We finally found the right key to unlock being right with God! Jesus came for sinners. He came for all who know they are sinners. Once we admit our sin and trust in Jesus, He forgives us and cleanses us. 1 John 1:9 says:

But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

Knowing we are sinners is the first step and the key to unlocking Jesus’ righteousness in our lives. 

It isn’t always easy to admit when we have sinned. Sometimes we think it would be better to try and cover it up. Even if we manage to hide it from others, we can never hide it from God.

Proverbs 28:13 says:

People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy. 

God is not waiting to punish us; instead, He longs to show us His mercy and love! When we receive Jesus, we want to spend the rest of our lives saying Thank You to Him by doing good deeds, by going to church and being with other believers, and by spending time with God through prayer and Bible reading.

Jesus came for people like the sinful woman and Matthew the tax collector. They knew they were sinners and needed the forgiveness that only Jesus could give them. The more we understand that we are truly forgiven, the more love we desire to show Him. 

It’s now time for the Discipleship Challenge where we will continue to spend time with God and others so that we can share His mercy and love!

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Give any child who missed Lesson 1 the Disciple Card. Show children the sample craft made in Lesson 1 and have them do the challenges at home.

Use the model craft as you discuss the challenge. The challenge last time was to learn Revelation 3:20. Would anyone like to try to say it from memory? Children respond.  

Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends."

Jesus is always close by. The door represents our hearts. He gently calls out to invite us to spend quality time with Him every day. How did you do with the challenge of spending time with God, with Christians, and with other people each day? Children respond.

Would anyone like to share an experience from the challenge? Children respond.

Was it difficult to make time for everyone, or for anyone in particular? Please explain. Children respond.

Hold up the Disciple Card. We will continue with our challenge by continuing to spend time with God, believers and others, and also by memorizing 1 Thessalonians 5:11. As followers of Jesus, it is important to spend time with other believers who are serving Christ. We can share our successes, struggles and challenges. We can encourage and uplift one another to not give up and to discover new, exciting things about God! We will discuss your experience next time we meet!