Leader Guide

SuperTruth Game

  • SuperTruth Card Page
  • Cardstock—six sheets
  • Scissors
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk

Make six copies of the SuperTruth Card Page on cardstock, one for each group of 2–5 children.

Use scissors to carefully cut out the individual cards on each page. It doesn’t matter if the sets become mixed up.       

Let's Talk! Play a game to complete the SuperTruth with others.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together:

“I will be a friend to sinners.”

If you were here for the first lesson in this course, what was the problem Joy faced with one of her good friends? Joy was so busy with youth group activities and her new Christian friends that she didn’t have time to spend with her old friend who was not a believer.  

Joy felt like she didn’t fit in with her old friends anymore. She even wondered if it was wrong to hang out with her old friend named Jolie since she wasn’t a believer. During the Superbook adventure, Joy saw how Jesus interacted and made time for all people—even those who were considered bad!

In this game, you will divide into teams and build the SuperTruth. However, we will do it a little differently. In this game, you will need to interact with all the other teams to accomplish your goal; not just those you are closest to.

Divide children into six teams of up to 5 children each, based on class size. Teams do not need to be equal.

Assign each team a number from 1–6. It is important for all players to know their team number! Be prepared to help children with special needs.

Have each team sit in their own circle in the four corners of the room, in the middle, etc.

The game is played like “Go Fish.”

Shuffle all the sets of cards together, then give each team six random cards.

Each team places any cards with their own team number face-up near the middle of their circle. Cards with other numbers are turned over and placed in a pile near the center of the circle. (For example, if Team 1 has two cards with the number 1, the team places those two cards face-up, in the order they would be spoken in the SuperTruth; then they turn all the extra cards with different numbers face-down.)

The goal is for each team to build the complete SuperTruth using only cards that have their team’s number.

Start the game. One player from each team will go to a neighbor team and ask, “Do you have any team number __ cards?”

The neighbor team checks their extra cards without revealing the card numbers. If they have a card with the requested number, they must give it to the asking player. If they have more than one card with that number, they should not say so, and they should only give one card to the asking player.

The asking player then returns with the card to their team and the next player goes to ask for a card from a neighbor team—either the same team as before or a different team.

Once a team has built the SuperTruth with their numbered cards, they stand up and shout it together.

Continue until all teams have built the SuperTruth.

Reshuffle the cards and play again if time allows.

Conclusion: It’s easy and enjoyable to spend time with people when we have things in common. In fact, hanging out with likeminded believers is very important as we grow in our faith. However, we also need to make sure we interact with others who may not follow Jesus so we can share God’s love with them.

In this game, what would have happened if you never interacted with the other teams? We couldn’t have reached our goal to build the SuperTruth.


You had to be intentional to interact with others, it didn’t just happen. You were not only focused on your needs, but also on the needs of others. 


One last question to see if you paid close attention to the Bible story video earlier today—what were the excuses that some people gave for not attending the master’s feast? They bought a field or some oxen; they got married.