Leader Guide

Review Game

  • Two paper plates
  • Marker
  • One medium size container, clean trash can or bucket
  • Optional: masking tape or painters tape
  • Eight coins
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App

Place a line or mark on the floor near one end of the room.

Place the bucket on the floor about 10 feet from the line.  

Write TRUE on the front of two plates and FALSE on the backs of the plates.   

Demonstrate using a plate and coins as you explain the game.


Taxing Review: Play a game to review the Bible story.

In this review game, you will answer true/false questions about the Bible stories we have discussed. You will show me one side of the plate for a false answer and the opposite side for a true answer. Ten points are scored for each correct answer. 

You will also have another chance to score points and pay taxes. Does that sound fun? I doubt it!

The people gave Matthew coins to pay their taxes. Each player will be given four coins to toss into the bucket. For each coin that goes in the bucket, you will receive one point.


Divide the class into two teams. They do not need to be equal.

A player from each team stands behind the mark. Give each of these players a plate.        

Ask the same review question from the list to both players. Feel free to add your own questions.

Players answer the question by choosing which side of the plate to show you, either True or False.

Ten points are scored for a correct answer, no points for an incorrect answer.   

Ask the teams to tell you the correct answer for any false question.

Each player is given four coins to toss into the bucket.   

The two players will then gather the coins for the next players.        

The next two players take a turn.

The team with the most points wins.

Questions and Answers

1.   T/F: At the wedding feast, Jesus noticed that all the people were trying to sit under the dinner table. (False—At the head of the table.)


2.   T/F: Jesus said you should invite guests who are not able to repay you. (True.)     


3.   T/F: In Jesus’ parable, when the banquet was ready, everyone who was invited came. (False—they made excuses.)    


4.   T/F: One invited guest said that he had bought a flock of sheep and must shear them. (False—he bought oxen and had to try them out.)


5.   T/F: One guest said that he had bought a car and must inspect it. (False—a field.)


6.   T/F: When the master heard the people’s excuses, he was relieved that no one was coming. (False—He was angry.)


7.   T/F: The master told his servants to go into the streets and alleys and invite the poor, crippled, blind, and lame. (True.)


8.   T/F: As Jesus was walking, He saw (Levi) Matthew sitting up in a tree that he had climbed. (False—Tax booth.) Bonus point: What tax collector climbed a tree to see Jesus? (Zacchaeus.)    


9.   T/F: Jesus told Matthew to follow Him. (True.)


10. T/F: Matthew invited Jesus to sit in his booth and have lunch. (Falseto his house for dinner.)


11. T/F: Jesus had dinner at Matthew’s house with other tax collectors and sinners. (True.)


12. T/F: Jesus said that sick people don’t need a doctor; healthy people do. (False—sick people need a doctor; healthy people don’t.)

13. T/F: Jesus came for people who are perfect in every way. (False—for sinners.)


14. T/F: The woman’s tears fell on Jesus’ feet and she wiped them with her robe. (False—her hair.)


15. T/F: Simon the Pharisee knelt down and kissed Jesus’ feet. (False—the woman did.)


16. T/F: The Pharisees thought that Jesus should not let the sinful woman touch Him. (True.) 


17. T/F: Simon offered Jesus olive oil to anoint His head. (False—Simon didn’t offer Him anything.)


18. T/F: Jesus told the woman that her perfume and tears had saved her. (Falseher faith.)   


19. T/F: Today’s SuperTruth says that we should only be friends with people in church. (False—to sinners.)   


20. T/F: Today’s SuperVerse says that a person who is forgiven little shows much love. (False—little love.)