Leader Guide

Outside In Game

  • One round balloon per group of 6—10 children
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible app
Blow up the balloons and tie them closed.

Outside in: Play a game to include others.

In the Signposts video, we discussed how Jesus treated outsiders like insiders; for example, the Roman Centurion and the sinful woman. Jesus came into the world not to EXCLUDE, but to INCLUDE people. The religious leaders of that day believed they were God’s “insiders” because they were descendants of Abraham. They wanted to keep others, who they viewed as inferior, outside of God’s kingdom. In our daily lives, it is easy to “travel” or interact only with our own circle of friends who follow Jesus. This is not what Jesus did; He did not give all of His time to His closest disciples. He actively and intentionally engaged and included the outsider and invited them “inside His circle.”         


Divide the children into two equal teams. A leader may need to play. Appoint a player to be a captain of each team, if possible, a 5th or 6th grader. Each team makes a separate circle with three players inside the circle, who are the “insiders.” Each “inside” player will stand a minimum of one arm’s length from other players on all sides, and three players outside the circle, who are the “outsiders.”

The circles of each team need to be several feet away from each other and ideally at opposite ends of the room. The “outsiders” will stand in a line near the team captain OUTSIDE of their team’s circle.    

Give each captain a balloon. The captain will bat or hit the balloon to the player in the circle on his/her left. That player will then hit it to the third player. Do this until the balloon returns to the captain.  

When the captain bats the balloon to the next player, he/she will motion for the first player in line to come into the circle on his/her right side. The other players in the circle will need to make room for the new player while the game is still in progress.

The new player is immediately included in the game and eventually hits the balloon to the captain when it makes it around the circle. The captain bats the balloon to the next player again and motions for the next player in line to move into the circle to his/her right (next to the last player who entered the game). This continues, with the balloon moving around the circle until the final player in line has batted it to the captain. The first team to do this is the winner.

If a balloon drops to the floor, the player must pick it up and the game continues from that point. Players must bat and not catch the balloon. Monitor the circles and assist with players moving in as necessary until the teams get the hang of it. 

If necessary, players may bat the ball more than once to keep it alive and pass it to the next player.  

If time allows, choose new captains and new players to begin again.  


Conclusion: Did it feel good to stand outside the circle while the others were playing the game? Please explain. No, I felt left out or excluded, it was not fun.


How did it feel when you came inside the circle? It felt good, I felt welcome and needed. It was fun to be a part of the game and to be included. 


Let’s always make room for others who may not be exactly like us and who don’t yet know Jesus. This is pleasing to God and continues Jesus’ mission on Earth. He always invited the outsiders to come in.