Leader Guide

Video Leader Guide

Select a video to play as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time to begin.

Welcome (1 minute)

Hello everyone, and welcome! I am excited to start our new Superbook adventure today about how King Solomon built the Temple. Solomon is famous for his wisdom. He is also known for building a magnificent structure to honor God. We’ll learn more about this, and also find out what Chris, Joy and Gizmo are doing.

Play Video 2: Chris and Joy’s Dilemma(5 minutes)

Chris and Joy's Dilemma

Chris is excited that his team will compete in a championship using the robot he designed—until he learns that he can’t go.

SuperTruth and Discussion (2 minutes)

What was Solomon going to build that God would not allow his father, King David, to build? A Temple.

The SuperTruth today is: “God’s ways are above our ways.” Let’s say that together. “God’s ways are above our ways.”

His ways are always right and just. He acts according to His Word and His holy nature—every time. He is forever faithful. His heart and His will is for everyone to be saved. People can be unwise and act selfishly and sinfully—but God always does the right thing.

What kind of competition is Chris involved in? Robot battle.

Chris’s team was selected to go to the finals, so why was he upset? Only three people from each team could go, and his team didn’t select him.

Chris had designed the robot—yet the other team members had the skills needed for the actual competition. Who thinks Chris deserves to go? Children raise hands.

Who thinks the other three team members should go? Children raise hands.

This is a very tough decision. Let’s watch the rest of the video to see how it all plays out!

Play Video 3: Bible Story and Resolution (20 minutes)

Bible Story and Resolution

Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to meet young Solomon, who will soon become Israel’s king. His father, King David, has designed and gathered materials for the Temple. David isn’t allowed by God to build it, so he gives Solomon instructions on how to do it. Chris learns that being part of God’s plan is best of all.

Play Video 10A: SuperVerse Graphic

SuperVerse Graphic 1

Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat the verse.

SuperVerse Discussion (1 minute)

Our SuperVerse today is Isaiah 55:9:

“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, My thoughts and My ways are higher than yours.”

Let’s say that together. Isaiah 55:9:

“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, My thoughts and My ways are higher than yours.”

Stand on your toes and reach up as high as you can. Can anyone touch the sky? No.

Just like we cannot touch the heavens, God’s ways and thoughts are far beyond our reach!

Let’s say the SuperVerse again; this time, each time we say “higher,” lift your hands as high as you can and raise your voice as loud as you can. Ready? Isaiah 55:9:

“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, My thoughts and My ways are higher than yours.”

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group. If younger children are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Dear God, even though You are far above us in heaven, You come and live in our hearts when we trust in Your Son, Jesus. Your ways are perfect and just. Your thoughts toward us are full of love, compassion, and mercy. Your ways are too deep and wonderful for us to understand. We praise You for who You are. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

It took Solomon 7 years to build the Temple according to God’s plan. In Small Group, you are going to construct a building following a plan. The good news is that it won’t take you 7 years. Let’s get to work!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.