Leader Guide

Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome everyone! Today is the second lesson of our Superbook adventure, “Esther—For Such a Time as This.” I would like to have someone in grades 1–3 tell me something about the Superbook video we watched in our last lesson. 

Great! Now, I would like someone from grades 4–6 share something you remember about the video. 

Good memories! God has given each of us a special purpose in life. Let’s thank Him as we sing and do the motions to Holy, Holy, Holy.

Play Video 11: (Song) Holy, Holy, Holy (3 minutes)

Be sure to preview the song so you can sing along and do the motions with the children. They may clap and do freestyle movements during the animation sections.

Holy Holy Holy

SuperTruth and Discussion (1 minute)

Our SuperTruth today says: “God created me for a purpose.” Did you ever wonder why you were placed on Earth? We are a part of His plan and God has important things for each of us to do! Let’s have all the boys shout the SuperTruth as loud as you can! Boys shout the SuperTruth.

OK girls, do you think you can shout louder?

Let’s hear you shout the SuperTruth! Girls shout the SuperTruth. 

Introduce Condensed Bible Story (1 minute)

If all children watched the Bible story video in the previous lesson, you may skip it here and go straight to the Bible Background Video.

In our previous lesson, Joy wanted a new girl at school to become a member of the girls’ club. Why didn’t the club president think the new girl should be invited to join? She was in a wheelchair and may not be able to participate in club projects.

That’s right! Joy faced a hard decision about whether to obey the club president or stand up for what she believed. Let’s watch our video. For all of you who have seen the full video, be on the lookout for the answer to this bonus question as you watch this video. What object did the king place in both Haman’s hand and Esther’s hand—but not at the same time?

Play Video 4: Condensed Bible Story (10 minutes)

Condensed Bible Story

Superbook whisks Chris, Joy and Gizmo back to ancient Persia, where a wicked man named Haman is plotting to kill the Jews. The children meet Queen Esther, who must decide whether to risk her life by going to the king and revealing that she is Jewish—or do nothing while her people are destroyed. The children learn that God will always help them stand up for what is right.

Discussion (1 minute)

Let’s see who was paying attention. What object did the king place in both Haman’s hand and Esther’s hand—but not at the same time? A ring.

Why was it risky for Esther to go see the king without being invited? 

How did Mordecai convince Esther to visit the king and try to help her people, the Jews? 

Introduce Bible Background Video (1 minute)

Now let’s watch our Bible Background Video and learn more about ancient Persia, where our Superbook story took place! When Gizmo asks a question in the video, wait for him to suggest some answers, then call out the one you think is right!

Play Video 5: Bible Background (8.5 minutes)

Bible Background

Play Video 10B: SuperVerse Graphic 2

Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat verse.

SuperVerse Graphic 2

SuperVerse (1 minute)

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Esther 4:14b:

“Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”  

Our SuperVerse was part of a message sent to Queen Esther. Who sent that message? Mordecai.

Why? He was encouraging her to stand up for her people by going to see the king.

Do you think God may ask you to be bold and take a stand for something important?  

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group.

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Let’s pray: Dear God, You created each of us with a purpose. Help us trust You and boldly stand up for what is right. Thank You that You are with us always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Let’s go to Small Group and play a game with a purpose! 

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.