Superbook Celebration Option One

Opening Time

  • Choose a Bible Background video and Signposts video from a Superbook Academy course, such as “Rahab and the Walls of Jericho” or “Paul and the Shipwreck”
  • Have all slides and videos ready to project
  • Practice the entire presentation and establish a system of cues with the person projecting the videos and slides to assure a smooth delivery

Several weeks in advance, invite all the students’ families to attend a special Superbook Celebration to show them what their children have learned and to celebrate God’s gift of salvation through Jesus.

Welcome and Prayer (2 micnutes)

As families gather for the Superbook Celebration, you may play Video 1 or 9 or have them do a simple activity such as tossing beach balls.

Hello, and welcome to all of our families! Thank you for accepting our invitation to join our Superbook Celebration. If your group is not too large, allow time for the children to introduce their families.

In the next hour we will watch some exciting Superbook videos, sing some worship songs, and participate in some fun activities like the ones the children enjoy in our Superbook curriculum. First, would two or three children please share something you have learned from our Superbook lessons?

Wonderful! Let’s pray. Dear God, thank You for teaching us the truth of Your Word, the Bible. We are so thankful to have these families with us now to celebrate everything we have learned. Thank You for Your presence here as we gather to honor You and learn more about the strength we receive to accomplish Your work on Earth. We ask that Your Holy Spirit would flow freely in this room, blessing each person today. In Jesus’ saving name we pray, Amen. 

Now, let’s stand and sing Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho. Adults, see if you can keep up with your children as we all do the motions together!

Play Video: Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho (2 minutes)

Be sure to preview the song so you can sing along and do the motions with the children. If you cannot stream the videos for this lesson, use Video 11 from any Superbook Academy Church course. Song titles vary.

That was wonderful! One of my favorite things is to worship God with the children. Adding the voices of our families today is an extra-special treat!